Iris Libre

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The Soldiers of Sector V

Chapter 32 IRIS LIBRE

???: Jeanne the Vichya Dominion is back again and attacking the base we need help!

The group looks at Jeanne which she picks up the radio... "I'm coming just hold on" as another explosion could be heard through the radio as the transmission ends. She turns to the team that she just yelled at and begs them to help her to which they look at each other giving a nod. "Show us to Iris Libre and I promise we will help you girls", Jeanne looks to Wolf and nods, she gets up and draws her sword and begins to use her half damaged rigging to try and get back to her base but a puff of smoke comes out and causes her to stumble but BP catches her.

She thanks her while looking away to which BP just takes it as a sign of gratitude. Jeanne follows the team as they sail towards the direction Jeanne points to try and help where they can. The three Aircraft Carriers send out their planes ahead to provide air assistance since they will reach the enemies faster than the boats.

Jeanne looks to Wolf who looks fixated on the radar trying to detect any enemies, she walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder from behind causing him to face her. She wanted to know why he was helping the Iris Libre at all to which the answer was simple " Cause..... we want to bring them back to Azur Lane." Jeanne looks at him shocked.

Jeanne: Us..... but we all separated from Azur Lane cause of a lot of things.

Wolf: I know but we are bringing the band back together mate.

Jeanne: Mate?

Wolf: Ah sorry just means friend in the place I come from.

Jeanne: Oh.

Wolf: I know your factions had reasons to leave which I assume the major one for you guys was cause of the Royal Navy.

He was half right on it but he was missing the other part which was his own death, He had forgotten that the others outside the base have no idea he is still alive leaving the Iris Libre in the dark about what is going on. "Can you remove the final nail by any chance?" Jeanne looks at him like he was stupid, "Reviving a dead person is something only a act of go-" Jeanne looks at Wolf who rolled up one of his sleeves to reveal the Sector V mark on his arm that says Wolf.

"Yes I'm back, don't ask for now but if you want a quick summary.. My ship revived me from the dead.", "A true act of a higher power". The situation got awkward as Wolf brings the conversation back to the issue at hand. The first issue he would have to contend with coming back would be speaking to the Royal Navy to find out about this issue with the Iris Libre. However for Jeanne she had a different question in her head. 

"Wolf where is the commander? Cause last time I recall Commander Anders was in charge?" However Wolf gives her a sad look which told her that bad news was imminent. "If your talking about my brother Anders who leads Azur Lane.... *sigh* He's in a coma and hasn't woke up yet so I'm in charge for now." She apologises for what she said but like so many times before Wolf brushed it off.

Wolf gets a radio call from Davis.

Davis: Wolf we spotted the Iris Libre and it's under attack by some other ship girls and sirens, they need help.

Wolf: We will be right there.

Davis: Clear to engage?

Wolf: Yes.

Davis: Understood.

The planes swerve towards the battlefield but couldn't tell who was who so to avoid friendly fire they begin to attack the Sirens.

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