Looking for Copper

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The Soldiers of Sector V


M4A1: So that is what happened with the half Siren material?

Wolf: Yes... now this does not mean I can take bullets to the head but some life threatening injuries I have a higher chance of avoiding.

The exit the Sewer as Wolf pushes the Ferri Dolls body out of the way of the sewer entrance helping the others get backup as O-H scans the area around them for any enemies. However it appeared it was only one Ferri team to which Wolf draws the conclusion that they were following them ever since they entered the city. It is hard to avoid getting ambushed by the Ferri since they were really good at ambushes.

Their worse case was coming up against a hunter or a ringleader which was not on Wolfs plans for this mission but to kill them for his own mission is on the agenda. They exit out the east of the city to see a road that lead to a lit up area in the distance... the mine. It was an important objective that would allow them to begin production on equipment that is sorely needed, while it is just a bandage to the issue it was one they really needed. 

Wolf knew that mission was going to be really dangerous but with the addition of Ella and their riggings, it will be the much needed artillery support that they might need. However destroying equipment in the mine was something they couldn't really afford since there wasn't enough to replace those things such as excavators and digging equipment. As they walk down the road they could see abandoned war vehicles and civilian cars scatter the roads like they were trying to escape the conflict but upon realising they couldn't there was nothing more they could do.

The idea of civilian life was a long distance dream but they were getting closer and closer. It would take a lot of rebuilding in the end and well restoring things but if they restore the services that are needed and drive the Ferri out. Ella puts her hand on one of the destroyed vehicles along with picking up a bullet casing covered in dirt and sand. She puts it back in it's resting place following behind the others but Wolf signalled her to come to the front.

He knew that Ella had some more questions she wanted answered so Wolf thought it was a good time for her to ask some. She gets in the front but she could still see that Ump 9 and 45 were a bit scared of her.

Ella: So Brother....were you the one who had been turning on those shade nodes in the upward east end?

Wolf: Wait... huh? Your correct I was turning on Shade nodes but not in that area....

Ella: I was trying to track the person who had been doing it while being a hunter and I have a little theory.... I think the same person that killed Dreadlock was the same person reactivating the Shade nodes...

Wolf: That is odd... we had a theory that the person who killed Dreadlock was actually a Sector V agent but not just any of them... one of the ones back in the older part of Sector V due to the knife.

Ump 45: So right now I am guessing it might of been someone you knew Wolf.

Ella: He or she must be really proficient at their job....

Wolf: If you didn't find them then they either are good at special ops.... or knew you were coming. Which reminds me....

Wolf walks to Ella and grabs her by the hair and roughs it up to her annoyance so she tries to do it back but Wolf managed to avoid it multiple times to the point she just let it slide. Her hair was frizzled up but she had a feeling why Wolf did it. It was after discovering the broken shade node location in one of the abandon city areas since she wasn't going to let her brother continue his task however to Wolf he asked her how did she know about the rooms which was a good question.

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