The Betrayal & Escape

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The Soldiers of Sector V 


A/N This chapter will be longer so strap in everyone 
A/N Previously on "Soldiers of Sector V"

Ross: Live for me Wolf.
Wolf: Don't Die on me Ross .... ROSS..... ROOOOSSS.

Ross: "Wolf if your listening to this it means that I didn't make it, But as much as i want to leave a heart felt message now is not the time. Your in danger".


Wolf was listening to Ross's recording concerned on what his late friend is telling him. Like a voice from the dead speaking into his headset beyond the grave. He explains to him why he left this message for him and what digging he was doing himself. While back at City 61 Ross plugged his watch into Aries and Tom's watch to analyse the information along with the others and made a dangerous discovery.

Just like what Jen said "The voice sounds familiar" which was when Ross started to dot the two and two together realising that it is one of the higher ups or the subordinates of the higher ups that was behind what happened in City 61 which reinforces Wolf's idea that the entire ambush was all planned to kill Sector V and right now was either nothing or the execution of Wolf and the others. 

Ross begins to explain a bit about the enemy as he to had realised that he had come across a similar foe before. When Ross was in a different squad who was tasked to clear out an abandoned building, the coms jammed and the gadgets. He paused for a bit as the memory catches up to him. They barley made it out alive as the enemy fought with a very strong ferocity but after escaping he noted it down and just remembered it.

Ross:  It the same amount of rings, they took some of us out, we barely made it out. Check the attachment but away from anyone cause I think they are after us Wolf, Someone in command did not want you or me to get out alive.

Wolf looks at the attachments added was from some of the other squads watches before they went dark and died.
Alpha squad:

Hotel Squad:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Hotel Squad:

Hotel Squad:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
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