New Combatants

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The Soldiers of Sector V


Perri and the rest run out of the bar to see the girls return back to the base. They cheer them on as Anders holds the combined forces flag back along with République and Davis. But as they do the others could catch a glimpse of some of the damaged boats, They could now see that the fighting was more intense than they ever could of imagined. The shell holes, the dints, the busted up decking and the smoke coming out of some of the smoke stacks.

The others could see the Iron Blood boats guarding a boat as it pulls another boat behind it. Instead of being yelled at and booed the Iron Blood girls where cheered on with people yelling welcome home which made them feel a bit less heavy hearted. But the cheering had stopped as they could see the aftermath of Wolfs boat. Evans and Abigail were shocked in the state it was in after the fight. Without the camera they couldn't tell what actually happened but now they know something bad did happen.

Turrets 1 was missing as the other three were missing barrels with turret D was smoking along with the stacks. The superstructure was barley recognizable as it reflected the image of what the boat was meant to be but in reality it was in pieces. Reno was saddened to see the boat in this state and worried for Wolfs safety as were the rest.

They watch as Wolfs boat gets docked into the repair bay as it tries to list over again forcing Reno to order the boat to be dry docked. That was when Vestals boat reaches the shore with multiple people on stretches along with Wolf.

Ump 9: Oh no....Wolf...

Abigail: AK is Wolf alright!?

The two run up to Wolfs stretcher as the injuries looked mostly healed but there was lot of blood soaked bandages. From those they could tell the injuries were severe as Anders explains to the others what happened to Wolf and the intensity of the fighting as one of the injuries hadn't healed yet which was the spear impalement , they managed to stop the bleeding but it hasn't healed. 

Abigail: Will he be ok?

Vestal: We will have to see after the Surgery...You'll have to wait and see, now if you'll excuse me we need to go now.

They rush Wolf to the infirmary as the others just watch it gets wheeled away. Some of the girls and boys had sad expressions upon hearing the news, After all that celebrating the hero is now in a slumber waiting to wake up again. The others return to their post as Abigail and Evans walk up to AK who looked worried for Wolf, It was the first time the two actually got to see AK's affectionate side. 

AK was still frustrated that she couldn't even help him at all when fighting the war machine. He was out of reach no matter how far she reached out. She was happy that her boyfriend was even capable at taking a person as powerful as Kurfurst however Riga didn't feel that overall surprised. He bit off more than he could chew along with O-H but to Riga it was the first time she ever seen O-H go that deep into an ability like that to the point that she thought they would both die.

She warned the others if they are to use a ability similar to Overdrive then they need to manage it or they will die using it. However AK wanted to know if Preussen or Yamato would be enemies that they have to fight to which Riga worries for the two. She knew that the both of them were one day going to do something really dumb that will get them killed.

The others just stood there in silence as they think over the events of today, Sure they have got Iron Blood back and defeated one of Dar's Vice Leaders but at the cost of draining Wolf's life to the very end. As of now Wolf was regarded as the strongest soldier at the base having scored 4 confirmed high level kills which is more than anyone at the base had. It was almost not physically possible but on the other end of the spectrum Dar's forces began to refer to him as "A Monster" or "Agent Reaper"

The Soldiers of Sector VWhere stories live. Discover now