Deployment into Hell

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The Soldiers of Sector V


Time 02:00

The air is heavy as the troopers paradrop into City 61 in an attempt to save it. Over the radio channels it was chaos, from the air Wolf could see the AA guns firing into the sky at full alert and explosions in many city areas, a lot was burning. The moment of tragedy and anger was cut abruptly by one of the platoon members yelling 

???: Where we dropping boyssss 

There were sounds of laughter and sighing in disappointment on that remark over the radio

???: Shut it Jenkins that jokes cringe.

Jenkins: Yeah sure Matthews as if your jokes were any better.

Matthew: Oh come on their hilarious.

Jenkins: Repeating the same joke again and again is not funny.

Matthew was speechless destroyed by this revelation on how the tables had been turned on him while Wolf smirked under his military mask and Ross was just chuckling.

Ross: Don't worry Matthews I find your jokes are alright.

Matthew: Thank you Ross I knew I could cou--

Ross: Sometimes.

Matthew: YOU SON OF A BIT---

Jen: Alright you cavemen cut the chatter we have a mission on our hands here.

Guys: Yes Ma'am.

Jenkins and Matthews where a new addition to Sector V just graduating from army training, both of them as much as they laugh at each other they are close buddy buddy who have been through hell with one another, As a tag team they are unstoppable . Matthews the expert sniper of the squad passed training with flying colours scoring multiple direct hits again and again whenever he racked the bolt.

Jenkins was the explosive ordinance expert who could make anything go bang. Whenever there was a time to breach through a wall they knew that Jenkins would be there. Wolf meet him originally on the battlefield when he was responsible for dropping an entire building on the Sangvis threat who vastly outnumbered the combined forces stationed at the outpost, while he didn't get the medals he wanted, he found something more when Wolf offered him the role of Explosive expert.

And then there was Jen who was promoted as one of the sergeants of Sector, however she is known under a different nickname "The Ice Queen". Due to her cold personality and no tolerance for jokes even if the others were wheezing from one. Even though this is the case Jen is cold on the outside but much more warmer on the inside when she is talking about a certain individual. Which is why Jenkins classifies her as the "Queen of Tsundere's", Which lead to him being shoulder punched more often than birthday punches.

However for Wolf he was lost in thought, the mission resonated with him on a personal level, His Mother and Father where killed in front of him while he was still a kid unable to help them, watching them get killed by the ringleaders who lead the Sangvis Ferri. This city to him was like that time with his, he wasn't going to let it fall without him being there to at least try to slow it down and get people out.


All the troops deployed there parachutes falling slowly into the jaws of hell...
Time 02:30 Touchdown

Wolf and a few others land in a city street with Jenkins falling on his ass when he landed
as Matthews nails the landing laughing at Jenkins only to be hit be another squad mate falling on top of him.

Wolf: Karma comes full circle for those two.

Ross: They sure do.

Matthews & Jenkins: You surprised Captain?

Wolf: Not in the very least so come on lets get moving staying on these streets wouldn't be a good idea.

The platoon moves through one of City 61's streets and what a battlefield it was for them. Bodies and debris litter the streets with buildings standing derelict, abandoned by it's occupants but so far no enemy activity. Wolf couldn't scratch the feeling that something was wrong, No Division commander in sight and the enemies weren't around. Were they too late? No that can't be right Sangvis forces usually lurk around waiting for the next squad to show up. 

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