Humanities Rise

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The Soldiers of Sector V


The blackish brown hair with a gold streak through it waved around as the gravity pulled the three in with a hellish grip with Dar being nowhere to be found as the two were trying to grasp who they were looking at since it was hard to believe.... However it wasn't long till the sound of another voice could be heard on the left of them as well as a girl with white hair with purple tips on the end wave around just like the rest gripping onto a piece of wall from the collapsing castle.

For the two they were in shock about the whole situation but even the other two also had no clue what exactly happened to them but right now their attention was focussed on the gravity pull that drags them in without mercy. The girl calls out to AK to grab on along with the others who do the same as she begins to glow purple holding onto the three tightly. Before being sucked into the gravity well she manages to teleport them out of the place just in time before Orochi tries to grab on leaving it to get sucked into the gravity well to never be seen again.

Back in the main world Evans manages to send Burke to the water along with Abigail finishing him off as he tries to stop them from doing it. However the looks on their faces was enough to tell him that he was going to die and there was no way to change it back. But as the sharp blade of Abigail raises above the chest of Burke the bright red light opens in the sky along with a thunderous explosion.

The bright light begins to grow wider and wider forming a circle above the battlefield as they all stop fighting to watch the ominous opening in the sky like the world was about to be split in two. But they would be sorely disappointed as the sound of crumbling rocks could be heard through it as remnants of the castle fall through the portal towards the water with a resounding crash and splash. It was a confusing sight for all but it was about to get worse since the water began to rise and lower on them turning the battlefield into a storm.

But it wasn't done yet as four lights begin to fly straight out the portal at speeds that made others around thing they were shooting stars. But the trajectory of the shooting stares began to look more like a volley of missiles that plunge towards Abigail, Burke and Evans. For the two they began to dash away leaving Burke behind who tries to sprint behind them before the four flames crash into the water with a mighty splash covering the other in a wave of water.

They were not sure what it was but Abigail was the first to hear the voice s of people that peaked her interest including Evans who could hear two familiar voices abut the others were something he had only heard a few times but they sounded almost familiar. With a quick run they rush over the waves in their riggings kicking up the water behind them leaving Burke in disbelief of what was actually happening all around him.

However to him he could see that it really was the last fight of the war that he could of helped with if he hadn't been working behind the lines for all that time to try and throw a wrench into the forces plans. He sits there regretting and contemplating the actions he had done back then.... to his squad, to his friends and the others for power and in the end it resulted with him going head to head with his friend.

It was a fun fight but it was for all the wrong reasons that it should of been for. He knew that all he could accept now that he was going to be sent back to the grave again since he knew that the others would never forgive him for what he had done. He looks around to see the other Azur Lane girls fighting the other enemies that Dar had brought back to like killing them like it was nothing. Burke was beginning to fear for the life he was given as he could see Anders and Ella approaching him at a speed that he knew that they were going to go for a strike.

Knowing that he was going to die once again, all he could do now was fight with all he has left to at least die with some honour left. With a quick sword raise along with a roar he charges towards the two but instead of taking him out instantly both of them slam their hilts into Burke that caused him to drop the sword and knell to the two in pain. Before he could yelp in pain Ella holds her sword to his neck with a stern look at him.

The Soldiers of Sector VWhere stories live. Discover now