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The Soldiers of Sector V

Chapter 59 Guardian

The sounds of banging of metal and cutting can be heard in the repair bay in the middle of the night. The sound of the angle grinder scrapes away at the metal blowing sparks as it spins, The bright lights of the welders join the separated pieces as they wipe their brows of the dirt and grim. They were on a clock as the flashlights illuminate the darkness of the borders of the base. With Sector V soldiers patrol the area with a panicked anticipation of a opposing force that will threaten the entire base. This wasn't just the base they threated but the whole species of humanity.

The sound of the door swings open at the workshop as a short guy walks in carrying a carboard box ladled "Spare parts" obscuring his view of where he was walking. The sound of familiar voices direct him to the table but not in a good way. The delivery boy had arrived with more parts but he stares at Wolf with an annoyed look as to why he was called delivery boy when his name was Evans but there wasn't other spots to fill beside part delivery.

However Abigail looks at the two and tells them to pipe down since she was trying to concentrate missing the line she was meant to draw since she got distracted by the two.

She slams the table as her hair falls in front of her as she gives a angry stare at the two gentlemen having a toss on who should be delivery boy. The pencils fall out of their container falling onto the table, creating a mess. She picks them up and places them in a heavier container as the two boys stand there watching her. Abigail was immersed in the design work for the turrets that she was designing.

She had always been a good designer when it came to inventions. Back in boot camp Wolf and her always competed for who had the best inventions. She always won them no matter what he tried which was why she was assigned to the post, As for Wolf he was tasked with all the Software stuff and some parts of the electronics. That was a field that she could never beat him in let alone try to compete. Wolf was in a class of his own when it came to it, which was why they were paired so much as engineers for the army but after the heavy losses of the armies.

He and Abigail had no choice but to join the fighting, Wolf had a decent amount of combat knowledge but Abigail only experienced a little bit. It was also where she meet Evans one day when he caused an explosion when building his artillery turret. Both of them got closer starting then, as she helped him create his artillery turret that he still uses.

Wolf/Evans: Sorry

Abigail: Did you bring the parts Evans?

Evans: Yeah I did but... Shouldn't I be working on this with you guys?

Wolf: Well until someone can take my software place which is highly unlikely We are kind of out of places but look on the Brightside it gives good exercise.

Evans: Let me tell you that next time when you bring us on a 20KM Marathon.

Evans leaves their side to take a peak on the build. The turret had a auto cannon with a big camera lens. The bottom chassis part was still being built but it was almost coming together, It was mostly put together but it should make up for the lack of troops on the Griffin base side. As he continues to look a person puts their hands on his eyes blocking his vision.

Amelia enters the room with a giggle but Evans wasn't having it after last time since Abi wouldn't speak to him properly anymore to the point he was going to call her one but refrained, however the brown hair girl decided she wanted to push Abi's buttons.

His pleas were unheard as Amelia hums her way to the main mechanics room as Wolf runs his program as the turret begins to spin to life, It goes in all 4 axis's and does a spin. He was happy that it was working as he turns his chair to Abigail but he could see Amelia approaching from behind. He knew that this wasn't going to end well so he decides not to interfere as he returns to his computer.

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