Operation Flower Fall

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The Soldiers of Sector V


A/N: Enjoy Everyone.

Wolf moves away from the window trying to come to grips with the information that Enterprise and Tsukiko had told him. Prophecy?, Ella joining back? It was a lot for him but he keeps his calm expression looking back at Enterprise who's hair was being stroked by Davis softly as he hums to a tune. He was glad that Enterprise's power was back under control however was beginning to be concerned about this Ash version of Enterprise.

Wolf didn't believe that if he did die back then and didn't come back, that the whole forces would of collapsed. It was the same with Abigail who didn't believe that she would kill Evans if he tried to self destruct the HQ. The thought terrified her, it hadn't crossed her mind back in Dars command but now that she thinks of it, she could of been so close to killing Evans with her own two hands. Evans could tell it had shaken her up but he couldn't comfort her since he was in a state of shock as well.

He understood what he did there and was a logical thought that he had in mind back then, but to have Abigail and Rhea kill him was a bit far fetched. Deep in thought he could see Abigail look away in worry that she might do something bad to him, but a tender hug was given to Abigail as she held tight to him. Tsukiko knew that it was going to be now or never to teach Wolf the skills to fight Dar, but there was one issue. Tsukiko had no idea what to teach Wolf to improve him to a level that would be capable at fighting this unknown threat.

Tsukiko: Wolf what do I teach you?

Wolf: Anything master.

Tsukiko: Just call me Tsukiko... calling me that makes me feel weird...

Wolf: *laughs* I was just joking but noted. So Enterprise, do you believe you have control of your powers?

Enterprise: Yes Captain, It won't happen like before.

Wolf: Alright then that's good to hear... alright everyone! We need to get down to the dock ASAP, It's time we bring the fight to them.

The Team leaves the rest room of the dorm and heads out with their weapons and all, the others cheered them on while some of the Azur Lane girls stared in awe at their presence. For Wolf and Evans it was a smile and wave while the others just smiled walking to their positions in the formation. However for one of them, the public exposure was hard to bare, She waves with a blushing expression as Helena looks around for her sister in the formation but before she could they reach their position.

They stand and wait for Anders to come up and debrief everyone on the mission. As the formation waits patiently, Wolf decides to step up to the front to give his own debrief of the mission. He looks to the formation of girls who wait eagly for someone to speak on the mic. He taps the mic to check if it was on, once satisfied he picks it up and looks to everyone who eagerly wait for him to speak. 

Wolf: I assume everyone here understands what they have to do, correct?

The people in the crowd nod in succession while others yell out "yes" or "sir yes sir", That response reminded Wolf of the days in Sector V with everyone addressing him as "Sir" in debriefings or in combat. The response had always weirded Wolf out which his why he likes to have people to call him by Wolf even though he is higher rank in the arm.

Wolf: Good... The mission is simple but vital to the success of this war. I know we are battered up and tired, hopping that it will finally be over but I'm sorry to say that the road is still long with no end in sight. But this mission will be a massive turning point here we can reunite Azur Lane as a whole and show our might to the Sirens!

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