The Doors Open

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The Soldiers of Sector V

Chapter 111 THE DOORS OPEN

The sparks fly of the blades as Wolf and Ella train with each other, they both sweat and breath heavily with each consecutive swing. For Wolf he could feel the speed of Ella's strikes along with Tsukiko's teleportation abilities that were a souped up version of AK 12's attacks. For Ella the hits from her brothers sword makes her arms strain as she tries to parry them. The hits Wolf throws are not fast to her but the strength behind them was something else.

With one hit it sends her sliding across the water with a wide splash sending water on the onlookers who were impressed with the siblings strength. However Wolf decided to kick it up a knock activating the fire arc that he had straight at Ella who in a white flash disappears only reappear behind him but thinking it would be an easy win was sorely mistaken with O-H having his gun aimed on Ella signalling the end of the match.

Or as did the rest thought as another white flash appeared with Wolf turning around to watch Ella slide out of the way in exhaustion, she could see that Wolf had a heightened sense of perception which was similar to AK's tactics and skills. It was almost like she was also fighting AK from within Wolf as he dashes for a strike to the neck to which she almsot thought her life was going to flash before her eyes. With two pins of smoke grenades she throws it down to obscure herself but the electronic whirling noise made her heart sink. 

Through the smoke two drones fly out ready to fire at Ella but with a swift move she pulls the rifle out shooting the two drones in the air. It was the perfect move for Wolf to go for a slicing attack through the smoke to which Ella was expecting from her brother as she jumps on the blade to go for a kick to the face but Wolf manages to launch her off but multiple rounds from her strike Wolf. Thinking she had finally won she was sorely disappointed to see a golden beam followed by a high pitch noise as her brothers eyes begin to glow a gold.

Not wanting to be vaporised she raised her hands up as the light began to reduce on Wolfs hand as he retracts it to the floor making her take a big big breath in relief. However as punishment for losing against Wolf he grabs her head and rubs her hair making it messy to the annoyance of Ella but it was fair game for losing the match sending her to the stand with the others Wolf had managed to take out with ease. 

However upon sitting down she could see that Evans and Abigail looked exhausted, however they stay close to each other laughing with one another like there was no tomorrow as the next opponent walks onto the water. It was Helena and her assistant being Davis, it was a while since he last seen his friend but he could not only see but feel that Wolf had gotten a lot more better than the days he was in Azur Lane, however he looked a lot more exhausted.

With a bow raised Davis was ready to take on his friend along with Helena who twirls the spear in her hand like it was a fan blowing a small bit of air around them. For Alaska she was eager to take on O-H in a fight but this time she was wondering if she had bit off more than she could chew against him. In their ready positions Leliana signals the match to start along with Anders as a gust of wind blows past the two.

Wolf: Bring it on you two!

Davis: You bet we will!

Helena: Yeah!

Wolf looks up and down not sure what to attack first, whether to attack the girl with the spear or the planes that whizz above him prepared to dive bomb him. He knew that he had to fight them like they were enemies if he was going to train properly. They made sure he will giving no mercy on him or a chance to catch a breath at all. The planes go for a rocket run but with a quick slide across the water the planes cancel the attack as the black plums of smoke obscure their view.

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