A Tea Party For Four

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The Soldiers of Sector V


A pink haired girl stamps her foot on the ground with a grunt in her voice as the others watch her closely. She grits her teeth in frustration looking at her phone and calls again, For BP she had been calling him so much that he hasn't picked up a single phone call at a time that they really need it. The two factions stare and yell at each other like a two families who support two different sport teams.

However Enterprise believed that Wolf and AK got sent to an important mission since they left in such a hurry however the sound of swords and clashing can be heard from inside the Royal Navies headquarters which sends the team into a panic. Davis decides to take charge he orders Enterprise and Essex to control the skies so no planes go bombing things while Georgia was tasked to act as a bodyguard for the girls leaving the other three girls to buy him time to stop them from killing each other.

He dashes off without them to go find some help from Kruyger and Leliana to send Sector V troops and Griffin troops to contain the rioting. With that BP continues to try to call Wolf so he could talk some sense as BP swears under her breath that she is going to do something bad if he doesn't respond. To Drake it was the first time she had ever seen her dear friend like this, it was almost funny to her. 

She wasn't the only one calling with Davis giving a call to the others commanders who agree to his request for help as they hear windows getting smashed and shells firing which makes them hurry. For Kruyger he thought the base was under attack but in reality it's a  "Friendly" Scramble sending troops as fast as he could to the constant thanks from Davis. 


She continues to call as the sound of the phone begins to ring which makes her jump for joy that he finally called. She could hear the voice of the captain asking her what was going on, only to get yelled at by BP in a voice that makes him almost drop his phone in the helicopter ride. However after explaining that he was dealing with an elite Siren before she was shocked. However it was a story for another time since they had more bigger fish to fry.

Wolf orders BP to not join in the fighting leaving her to giggle and tell him that there are no promises as the call ends. She said it in a tone that makes AK think that BP either loved Wolf or likes him but to him it was enough to tell him that she wants to kill him or choke him to death if she gets a chance to. Matthews wanted to help with the riot control but Vector gives a look to Wolf that was telling him that Matthews needed to be checked to which he gives him a head shake.

He sighs but understood the decision however he was not the only one that needed to be checked and put in their place. Ridge tries to get out of the helicopter chair ready to assist but Wolf stops him, Ridge was too injured to even stand giving a stare at Wolf as Wolf does the same. The two stare down each other but he gives in and takes a seat back down. AN grabs onto his other arm as he tries to tug away from AN but she wouldn't let go. With no other option Ridge agrees to the demands as AN gives him a kiss on the cheek that makes him flustered.

A short cough comes from Perri as he signals Wolf to please help them fix the mess before the Iris Orthodoxy leave for good but Wolf was going to make sure that they don't leave after coming this far. They had lost too much and gone to far to turn back now without it meaning certain death. However Vector becomes a bit pessimistic asking Wolf what would he do if they don't listen to which he answers with his typical answer to most problems "By force of course."

The helicopter pilot communicates to the rest that they have almost reached the base and could see fire coming from the Royal Navy headquarters. Wolf gets up and moves to the cockpit as he looks out as the base comes into view. Explosions can be seen as Sector V troops and Griffin troops begin to approach the base with riot gear. To them it looked like they were just about to breach, they wouldn't make it in time unless...

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