Ticks and Crosses

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The Soldiers of Sector V


The cool night air blows through the Iris Libre base through the night as people lay asleep, Except for one person who has been finding it hard to fall asleep. O-H tells him that he needs to get some shut eye but like some sort of parent Wolf tries to move them out of the way but he knew that he had to recover if he wanted his full strength to return to him. He groans while rolling to the side of the bed groaning again as he looks out the bridges windows.

He rolls back onto his back and sighs looking at the celling whose paint has been peeling away for a while now. That night two days prior.... still fresh in Wolfs mind as he could see Alsace dying in front of him with reflections of Ross dying in the same way. He couldn't save Ross.... He couldn't save Alsace. He thinks to himself if this will happen again, A nagging thought that won't go away among countless other thoughts.

He keeps replaying the scene in his head wondering if there was anything he could of done to save Alsace before he was killed by Kurfurst to the point that he asked O-H for an answer. He doesn't give one besides telling him that he has to let go since he knew that as soon as Wolf put logic into it all he would exacerbate his issue with it. He was right..... No matter what Wolf could of done would of not saved Alsace and in fact could of lead to a lot of even more horrible outcomes... losing one was a challenge but loosing a whole team or faction?

O-H understood that Wolf had been through a lot of loss but there was still nothing he could of done but to Wolf it really felt different compared to the rest. Wolf slowly gets out of bed as he adjusts before getting out of the bed. After a couple of minutes he heaves himself out of it and walks to the front of the bridge to see lights in the distance of the dock. He could see that there were people carrying boxes from the boats to the buildings as the Manjuus carry the heavy stuff in by themselves.

The time was 11:30 as O-H asked Wolf why he needed the time but he shrugged at it. Wolf looks down and brings his hand up to the dog tags he was wearing. His one and his fathers one, both clacking together as the wind blew through the open window. Wolf looks out to the sea and sighs. He wanted to know what was happening back at HQ but to O-H he had his answer. From what he knew it was a new missile system being developed which made Wolf look in surprise.

Only problem was just like before with the forcefield generator it was the power consumption that was causing trouble. He gives a surprised face to O-H in shock that they managed to get the forcefield running but O-H corrects it by saying that they sorta had but then it failed.

Wolf: So no shields yet?

O-H: I'm afraid not.... We don't have the research facilities to handle that kind of research, Without some proper scientists and some help from the other nations the thing is dead in the water. Although Tirpitz and Heinrich have handled Siren technology before doesn't mean they can operate the forcefield.

Wolf: I do hope they manage to get somewhere. Anyway what should I do now?

O-H: As I said before. I think you should sleep. 

Wolf: *sigh* Your right I probably should.

O-H: Probably?.... Wolf you have been fighting to the point of your limit every time, have barley slept like 3 hours for the past 3-4 days. It is not good.

Wolf: I know O-H but if I don't we wouldn't have gotten to where we are now.

O-H: Keep it up like that and we defiantly won't since you may collapse mid fight or mid travel.

He tries to resist O-H like a kid that didn't want to go to bed but O-H puts his foot down, He even threatens him with AK to tell him to go to sleep but to his surprise Wolf didn't waste time as he went to his bed and went back to sleep. O-H was surprised that actually worked.... maybe he should get some rest himself since he hasn't had some for a while either. Ships need their sleep after all. O-H retreats back into his plane in Wolfs mind and a campfire appears in front of him which he takes a seat at it.

The Soldiers of Sector VWhere stories live. Discover now