Repairs and Stitches II

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The Soldiers of Sector V


"This will take some explaining to do but to clear things out the way...." But Leliana stops him, she knew what was going on and walks up to him to check. Wolf had a feeling that Leliana already understood what was going on but just wanted to confirm. He pulls his shirt up to reveal the scars that he showed previously to the team however BP, Heinrich, Tirpitz and Leliana had never seen them before. 

Leliana takes a close up and looks at the tattoo and sees it say "SECTOR V LIEU WOLF" confirming that he is indeed Wolf. She was surprised that he survived the battle even with the injuries that he had, however to the others surprise Wolf wasn't as mad at Leliana than they thought. He knew that she followed along with the plan that he had in mind and tried to see if she could rid the guilty sentence although having a bit more faith in him before would of made it less frustrating to complete.

Wolf noticed Leliana was about to tear up and the group just looks at him with worried and concerned looks. Even though Leliana didn't show her emotions a lot Wolf could tell that the fall of Sector V and his execution was a heavy toll on her. Never she had seen a force so badly broken and it's leader executed for a fake treason and rise from the ashes without them even knowing.

Leliana: Wolf... I should of done better to stop you from ending up like that... *bow* as Division commander I take full responsibli-

Wolf: You do not need to... Leliana you did what you could in the situation and to be honest it was better if you guys did nothing at all.

AK 12: Wait Wolf what do you-

Wolf: I'm not finished yet.... *ahem* Dar had everyone wrapped around his finger, if you resisted he could of killed you so I think to me at least it was the better option to convict me.

Leliana: Wolf that is a sacrifice you don't have to... no one should have to make!

Wolf: I know... but Leliana trust me I have a lot more sacrifices than what that one could ever be.

She wanted Wolf to tell her all the things he had collected so far about the situation at hand to which he agrees. The others were surprised with Wolfs cooperation with Leliana, however she was not letting this second chance go to spoils. She wanted to make sure that this time she could write her wrongs and take down the real monster who fled like a coward. He tells her about the situation with Iron Blood and the Sakura Empire to which looking around was pretty clear on what was going on. 

Kurfurst was the topic that caught interest in Leliana. Even though she wasn't a Azur Lane commander anymore she knew all about the stuff and this new threat put her on edge. Compared to Anders she was more prepared and knowledgeable about it due to lots of researching and investigations herself, Reno suggested that she get a rigging for herself but she denied it, she knew a lot but she knew she couldn't fight.

She advises the team to be careful about Kurfurst and recommend them to be evasive if they spot him. They take on board the advice bringing them to the entire next topic on hand. Wolf needed here help for a few things.

Wolf: Leliana is it alright if I ask you for a few favours?

Leliana: Well since you saved us multiple times I don't think there is a need to ask for that.

Wolf: First one is please do not tell the others about my true identity, we cannot afford an internal conflict right now.

Leliana: I agree, I don't know your reasons fully but sure.

Wolf: Second  the other commanders ned to stay out of my way in looking for Dar cause I got to settle this one myself and you know it.

Leliana: I'll do what I can but Kryuger doesn't trust you or Perri cause you literally came out of nowhere. He may send some Griffon girls to oversee what you are doing.

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