The Smoke Clears

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The Soldiers of Sector V


A shot rings out in the area as M4 finishes off Elisa once and for all. A smoking barrel chamber and a doll that was lifeless on the ground with a bullet in a spot that would take the power out of her. She couldn't believe it... the time had finally arrived were the doll that was leading the Ferri force was actually taken out for good. M4 drops her pistol to the floor as her knees began to shake knowing that she would never have to worry about the Ferri again.

That AR 15 and 40 could rest peacefully knowing that the girls would never have to fight the Ferri ever again along with the others soldiers who had lost so much already in the unstoppable force that was the Ferri to wake up one day knowing that the foe they have been fighting for so long had been defeated. M4 falls to her knees and began to cry happy tears knowing that it was so close to the war being over. 

However upon looking at Wolf she was horrified with the condition he was in, he took a big beating with the riggings damaged beyond recognition and blood that stained the uniform and face of Wolf. He was wounded but his eyes manage to open under the strain that he put his body under. The others carefully helped him up only to watch him collapse while trying to stand but his sister and AK help him back up. 

He apologised to the two for doing this to them but they didn't mind however Asher wanted to take over from Ella to hold him up to which she agreed giving a small blush from it which Asher completely ignored. However for Wolf he looked at her then back at the floor beginning to wonder if her shielding him before was because they were endanger or that she wanted to watch him more closely. 

However the blush of hers was enough to make him stare down in surprise but he decided not to question it for now since the biggest question on everyone's minds was where was Lycoris. They had not seen him for any part of this only hearing his voice through the intercom. However behind the massive computing machine that laid in front of them was another bulkhead door that had been sealed shut from the inside. 

To them it was enough for them to believe that Lycoris was in there after all this time. The bitter anger and hatred fuelling within them wanting to bring him to justice was unquenchable. However they realised that the first problem they came across was that the door valve handle would not want to turn at all. Both Matthews and Asher tried their hand opening the door but it wouldn't move an inch even with a half siren giving all his muscle into it. 

The next option was to blow it up with some C4 but it wouldn't take long for one person to inspect Elisa and notice a watch on one of the arms that makes Astra take it off. It was a longshot but she wanted to try at least before using the explosive option. Standing on her tippy toes she stretches to the top of it holding the watch to the glass slide. At first they thought that it wouldn't do anything but the sounds of metal mechanisms coming to life and the sound of depressurisation was enough to tell them that it worked.

Wolf: Nice thinking Astra....

Astra: Thanks.... Wolf how are you feeling?

Wolf: I feel like my life has been sucked out of me and it hurts...

AK 12: Want me to kiss you to make it better?

Wolf: As much as I wished that would work right now is not the time.

Astra: Oh get a room you two!  

They watch the door slowly creak open with the laughs and chuckles from the rest from that statement. To think of something so trivial that held a much more deeper meaning than it would back then. A dream to return back, however once the door opened they were greeted by a small room with a heavy metal blast door. On the side of it however there was a glass slit that one could put their peering eyes into to see what was on the other side of the door.

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