Deja Vu anyone?

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The Soldiers of Sector V

Chapter 12 DEJA VU ANYONE?

Wolf: So what shall we call this raid this time?

O-H: That's really up too you though I don't know why you insist on naming these missions.

Wolf: Ah I just put them in my Division Log.

O-H: Also I've been waiting to ask this but....why can you still access your watches files and other Division data when you were classified as a rogue agent?

Wolf: You can thank my brother for that actually, he changed my status from rouge agent to an SHD Agent so in other words your standard Division agent.

O-H: That makes more sense cause I thought you hacked into it to access the stuff again.

Wolf: *Laughs* That was my plan the first time before I knew my brother was the new Azur Lane commander.

O-H: Typical you.

Wolf: You know me too well... Soo I think maybe we should keep the name the same and count up in roman numerals.

O-H: This ain't a movie series Ohio and you know that.

Wolf: You can call me Wolf when we are along remember?

O-H: Better if I don't just encase someone is listening in.

Wolf: Alright... back to the name I guess it is a series at this point.

O-H: Guess so... therefore we would call it "Operation Coast Ripper II!"

Wolf: Yeah that will work or OCR II can work too. 

With the sound of agreement O-H brings up the objective for the mission to be a success. Wolf tries to refer to a famous general's quote but as he does O-H could not help but laugh at his attempt since it was wrong. Wolf laughs along while drinking some coffee in a the commanders chair since he needed the energy to keep running. At this point to Wolf he was nothing more than a coffee destroyer who would consume too much coffee for the average healthy adult.

O-H goes through the details about the coastal base. Like before it is the same size as the other one and just some normal Sirens to which Wolf nods to. But to Wolf on question was lingering in his mind. He had heard back in the day about Elite Sirens that were formidable foes and have taken a lot of peoples lives. He asked O-H who was the first one that they would most likely to verse.

"That will be Purifier Captain"... Purifier... the name ringed a bell for Wolf but he wasn't sure were but O-H decided to get Wolf to look into the Azur Lane database or ask Enterprise.....Enterprise... that is why it was familiar to him, he recalled that Enterprise fought against Purifier once and lived to tell the tale.

Ohio stands up and stretch's making his way towards the mechanical room of the ship. Wolf walks into the room to be greeted with an electronics work bench, a machinist bench with all the tools you'd need to fix up weapons and equipment. 

Wolf: *smiles*  this will do nicely.

Ohio goes to the electronic work bench and summons his Division minigun and places it on the table. First Wolf tests the retractable barrel of the gun to allow easier mobility hauling it around. once that is out the way Ohio checks the barrel spinning components to see if it's turning smoothly and adds some mechanical oil to allow it to spin more freely.

Wolf: That's much better, feels brand new. Now then....

Wolf de summons the minigun and places his backpack on the floor, It was a hiking bag that was able to carry a fair amount of goods and division gadgets. Wolf slides a rectangular box from the side of his bag from its holster and places it on the workbench.

Wolf: This sentry turret has seen better days.

The sentry turret has a bent gun barrel and wouldn't extend the legs properly due to it missing one and the dinted metal frame that gives the turret more protection. Ohio touches the turrets side and a flashback hits him of the turret being thrown out when he was making his escape stalling them. He didn't get how the turret came back to his bag without him grabbing it but that didn't matter now... He needed to get it fixed. Wolf takes off his gloves to allow better movement in his hands to solder the new components on the turret.

Wolf: *Cracks knuckles* Lets see if I'm still rusty.

Time skip brought to you by Ohio burning his finger with a soldering iron.

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