Operation Bombard

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The Soldiers of Sector V


The helicopters hover over a street as the search light on it shines underneath as multiple ropes go down allowing each member to rappel down to the surface below. Burkes team was the first to deploy since Iris needed to set up comes back to the base, however Wolf suggested that they activate the shade nod instead to get an active communication. However Burke thought that those things were only to help agents in objective making and items of interest.

While Burke was correct, it did have one hidden feature which was the ability to communicate back. However for Iris and the rest of the team, they had no idea what a shade node actually is to which Burke forgot. Burke only knew about the Shade nodes thanks to being alone for so long out the base and in the abandoned cities when he discovered a strange black ominous door one day with a orange ring on it.

Now that he knew that the shade node did that they change their plan, they needed to activate the shade node before advancing any further, However before they could make another step they get a notification from ISAC that the shade node has been reactivated to the confusion of the others. However this time it was Wolf that forgot about Ella and Rhea who had been activating the shade node for them and doing some extra recon for the others.

With this it had shortened down the list they had, believing that they would return back to the safe house. Wolf and the others agreed to go to the safe house and get all the gear ready there if there was any. It wouldn't take long to realise that they were not alone as the sound of Ferri coming down the street ready to take back what is theirs. Upon spotting the teams they open fire forcing the team to get into a dug in position behind some alleyway walls and a broken down tank.

Wolf deploys his gadgets to counter the enemy as Burke fires his bullpup rifle into the first doll then the second. For Iris she pulled out her rifle and fires it blowing a golf sized hole in one of the dolls heads sending shrapnel behind the doll which makes contact to other dolls behind it wounding them. With that they continue firing as 45 and 9 get closer to take out more targets to which they were doing quite well but the sound of gunfire caught their attention above them as the Ferri had took a vantage position in an abandon apartment building.

AR 15: Not for long!

Rhea: Same here!

Two shots ring out slamming into the windows in the apartment building as both doll silence their shooting allowing Ump 9 and 45 to finish off the dolls that remained. They managed to take out the dolls before Wolfs drones even got there leaving him with less Ferri kills than Burke. He didn't have it rubbed in his face but they both were taking tally's of it to which the other girls could notice the feint smell of competition.

Wolf looks up to the roof of a small building to wave at Rhea and Ella who took the vantage point to provide some sniper assistance. The two make their way down the concrete staircase with the sound of the wind blowing through the abandoned building as they reach the outside to see the two teams. Ella runs up giving her elder brother a hug as he gave one back. The two hug it out as the others could smile at the two sharing a family moment. 

The times the two were at each others throats turned into what it was before it all. Ella had a feint smile on her face with Wolf having one too. However just like AK, Ella does tease her brother from time to time with no was for him to say anything back but she never means it, just to make him laugh or get flustered himself. With that they release the hug as they make their way back to the safe house and to there surprise.... 

It was empty like moving to a new house, there was nothing but a trash bin and the flickering light above. It dampened the others spirits a bit but it wasn't going to deter them from the mission. Wolf walked to the middle displaying the holographic map of the area as the others watch intently. The gun was a massive railgun cannon capable of firing nuclear shells which was something they must never fire off cause a nuclear wasteland was the last thing on their minds.

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