Angels Rising

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Soldiers of Sector V


Perri: So your telling me Wolf's Identity has been revealed?

Rhea: Yes... and can you please make these less tighter... it's beginning to hurt.

She tries to yank the restraints on the chair but sighs in disappointment, Perri grabs out a clip board along with a wounded Evans who had a bloodied bandage on his shoulder but was living, Rhea breathed a sigh of relief but it was cut short with the snap of Perri's fingers. He didn't know what he was going to do with Rhea, If it was the old days he would of just ordered the execution on her for harming innocents.

But with all the mind control recovery and following the wrong orders he wasn't so sure. But the biggest elephant in the room was the ties to Sector V that Rhea had, He knew what she did was wrong but maybe she could change just like Abigail and Ridge but trying to be Wolf was just something he couldn't feel or resonate with. Rhea looks at him blankly but with a little annoyed expression.

That annoyed expression... something that she always had ever since the start of it all, She was excellent in marksmen ship like Matthews but also excelled with covert ops which was highly sort after. They had little to no intel on the enemies locations and what they were up to but even Perri wouldn't let it pass.

Perri: Sorry Rhea you'll just have to manage with it for now.


The restraints fall off to the surprise of Perri and Evans but before they could do anything Rhea lifts her arms up in a smile and a sigh of relief. Although it was the wrong thing to go it gave her a lot more comfort. 

Rhea: Ahhh~ Thats better.... 

Evans: You know you are not helping you ca-

Rhea: Alright... Alright now as I was saying Wolf's identity was revealed to Dar.

Perri: How did this happen... was it Ella?

Rhea: Wait you know Wolf's sister is in Dar's forces?

Evans: We've known for a while now... They even fought each other, you should of seen it, it was like straight out of a action movie or book.

A/N: *sweats profusely* 

Rhea: She never told anyone about it.... but why?

Perri: Even Wolf wasn't sure and Anders... but if it wasn't her then who?

Rhea: It was .... M16 and RPK.

The looks on the two boys faces said it all, it was disappointing and annoying that they keep causing problem after problem, Had RPK not betrayed the forces Angelia would of never been in danger and Light wouldn't have had to become a half Siren like Wolf. They killed numerous innocents in Griffin and the cause of 40's death. Perri slams the table in frustration to the surprise of Rhea who always pictured him as a soft, quiet and stern leader.

She pressed him into why he was so mad about the two which he explains the events so far and the more and more reasons she hears justifies his anger at them. Rhea still couldn't understand how the mind control worked and how it even affected her in the first place, she could barley remember the events that lead to that with nothing more than a blank space that consumed the area around it. 

Evans looked at Rhea closely with her red eyes and short jet black hair. She had some red star earrings and a necklace that he remembers all too well, It was a necklace that Simon had got her on her 19th birthday a couple weeks before he died in the vehicle accident with West and Peter. She gives a sharp glare to Evans who got a bit spooked by it but it turned to a feint smile.

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