Those Who Remain

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The Soldiers of Sector V


Time 04:00
After clearing their way through the Sangvis forces sweeping street to street the squad was able to regroup with some of the other Sector V forces. Wolf was gonna say something but another thing caught his attention. He hadn't noticed it during all the fighting but after a bit he comes to the realisation that not every squad is here let alone responding to hails or calls. After what happened to Aries squad things did not seem right.

Sector V came in with 100 of the best troops Sector V could muster at the time of the invasion of City 61. They had been handling evacs and street cleanings but with the evac comms silent and the other squads not hailing to any of the calls by Wolf, Ross or even the communication squads. This silence has set them all on edge as they continue to push into the middle of a city centre. It was quiet but as soon as other squads came around it was when he realised.

That out of the 100 that were meant to regroup there was only 40 of them left all battered up and looked in a sorry state. Wolf looks around to ask one of the communication guys which is when he saw Tegan. Tegan used to be apart of command for communications but he decided that he wanted to help out on the field more than being stuck on a lofty chair while his brothers and sisters were fighting tooth and nail to save what remains.

Wolf: Alright Tegan able to try contacting the other squads over the Sector Radio cause this doesn't feel right.

Tegan: Alright then.

Tegan: Alpha Squad come in Alpha Squad.

Alpha radio: *STATIC.

Tegan: Charlie Squad do you copy?

Charlie Radio: *STATIC.

Wolf: Try one more.

Tegan: Hotel Squad please respond.

Hotel Radio: silence.

Tegan turns off the coms device as it goes silent for good as they stand there bewildered with what has happened. Tegan looked at Wolfs team and could tell that they seen something, but as he asked Ross he looked to him and brought him aside. He wasn't sure why but Ross tells him everything that had happened and what they had found in the alley way and the south side of the City 61. The news of Aries and Tom being killed along with the rest of the squad scares Tegan.

It also makes him look down in disappointment that they died without their stories being heard at all. Tom and Tegan always went to the cafeteria together even if it was a pouring afternoon, they talk about stuff over coffee and a hot meal. The feeling of his friend being reduced to nothing more but a statistic made him frustrated but he knew that crying about it wasn't going to being him back.

As Ross continued to tell Tegan everything, it looked like Wolf had told the other squads as their expressions and the sound of crying could be heard as they too come to the conclusion that the other squads have been killed by the Ferri or the unknown enemy that took out Aries squad.  Ross pats Tegan on the back and heads over to the other squads to ask them what they had seen and heard. Just like Wolfs team they to found an echo with something similar, It frustrated them because they could hear the fighting and wanted to engage as well.

But Ross moves his hand around telling them that "If you did you would of ended up like them." That voice that Aries team heard wasn't in the other ones but the individuals with the orange rings were also there as Ross took the information to save for later. As he pulled the wire out he heard soldiers begin to contemplate and worry. 

???: Where we sent here just to die.
???: Wolf did warn us about the being in the dark but i would of never expected it will come to this.

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