Rigging Time

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The Soldiers of Sector V


After having a nice meal  they headed off to the mechanics bay near the dock with Ohio in the lead with AK and Davis and Enterprise behind them. Wolf does one final check on the two to make sure that they are prepared for it. With agree nods Wolf reassures them that he and Enterprise will be watching the two to make sure nothing bad happens. It gave them some comfort knowing that they were well looked after.

Davis asks Wolf if they would train until they were good at it before they could go out for missions but Wolf couldn't answer that question since he didn't know the procedures of the place. But just like a coincidence a person walks up to them.

???: Close Davis, but I would rather you guys have on field experience as well to help develop your talents and abilities which will allow you and AK to get comfortable when using a rigging.

Wolf: Morning Anders.

Enterprise: Anders??? not Commander?

Davis: I didn't know you two had that kind of formality with each other.

Anders: Morning you guys, yes feel free to call me Anders instead of commander, cause come on who likes those kind of titles.

AK 12: Hey Anders I got a question.

Anders: Ask away AK, I'll be happy to answer any question you may have as long as I know it.

AK 12: Thanks. 

AK 12: So I assume you came to watch me and Davis get our riggings right?

He nods at the question since to him it was a rare chance to see a shipboy get a rigging, he turns to Davis to check on him but just looking at him he could tell that he was nervous about it all. He asks him what he was worried about since it isn't a hard exercise but to him it meant everything. He is going to be one of the first males to get a rigging besides Anders and Ohio so a lot of pressure is on. Enterprise puts her arms around Davis and hugs him from behind and she puts her head to his back. This cause Davis to blush a bit and the rest to laugh and smile.

However Anders was greeted to something new about this, he had always been told by Leliana that Enterprise was very rough and serious when it came to do with Azur Lane, but to see her like this with Davis could only mean one thing. He asks the two politely if they were dating to which Enterprise grabs Davis's hand and looks away with a "Yes". Davis looked at Anders in fear that he was going to punish them.

Even Wolf was thinking his brother would in his mind but the voice of his brother travels through his mind "Of course I'm not gonna punish them!". He had forgotten that he can do that along with Wolf so they begin doing some telekinesis. To Anders he was happy that the two were together since every time he seen Enterprise, he could see a genuine smile on her face. Wolf asks Anders about Enterprise and why she liked working solo.

Anders: (I assume it was because she let Yorktown get injured which by the way she still hasn't woken up, she sealed her heart away and I think she's worried about Davis joining Azur lane cause Enterprise might not bare to watch someone she loves get hurt.)

Wolf: (Understandable after all the time I was in the combined forces the amount of teammates and friends I've had to see die in front of me... I don't want to watch others die on me not when I'm still alive.)

Ohio:( Don't worry Wolf we both will keep the others safe including your brother.)

Montana: (Soft again aren't you Ohio?)

Ohio: (Oh come on Montana I know you think the same.)

Anders: (Don't worry brother I'll guard your back even if others don't know the truth as your elder brother I'll be your guard)

(Thanks Anders so we should answer them before they start crying.  )

Enterprise: I'm sorry Anders but I--

Enterprise takes a deep breath.


Davis and Enterprise get really flustered.

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