Take Down

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The Soldiers of Sector V

Chapter 6 TAKE DOWN

A/N Previously on "Soldiers of Sector V"

It was like it was preserved from a another time of history, but Wolf couldn't focus on that now he had to get going

Wolf: Sorry architecture but I got to get going.

AK 12:( Damnit me how can I not speak to the guy who taught me how to fight close quarter engagements and took me under his wing. )

AK 12: (Even if I get him to talk I doubt he would tell me what actually happened cause of what I said before which made him think that I don't even consider him a comrade anymore)



The speaker blares out the notification then someone begins to speak on the mic

Dar: This is Commander Dar, Wolf must be restrained or if that's not possible take him out.
Wolf has slaughtered his comrades of Sector V where only a few remain including him like sheep to the slaughter and assaulted with many things that threated the lives of the girls in the base, something that a monster would do.

Vector: This is real bad.

AK 12: Wolf was screaming murder at Commander Dar although the others didn't believe him so we took him away. 

Matthew: Wolf said that this Commander Dar guy is really shady, He is powerful that Wolf knew but something about him didn't sit right with Wolf or Ross.

Vector: Wait Ross also didn't trust Commander Dar?

Matthew: I only over heard their conversation about him.

AK 12: What did they say?

Matthews relayed what he had heard to 12 and Vector about the truth that happened in City 61. It was a burned memory in his mind that he could hear the screams and cries of his brothers and sisters around the battlefield as the Ferri took them one by one. But that wasn't what he was looking for. He tells them about the incident with Captain Aries along with the other squads. He was talking about a mystery man in the echo that Wolf found near one of Aries's men.

AK could see the stranger as she tried to us her enhanced eyes to detail a better picture but the pain continue to sting them forcing her to deactivate them. Matthews continued to explain that he believes Wolf and Ross had discovered the true identity of the unknown individual. They were not sure who it could of been but from what AK had heard inside the command room and the punch from Wolf to Dar.

She had the belief that Dar must of been the one behind it all. The yelling and the punch was one thing but it started to get more clearer to her. The reason why Dar was deflecting blame and dodging the questions wasn't because he was offended, it was because he was intentionally trying to get Wolf convicted. The more she thought about it the more she felt stupid for missing it all.

With that discussion one thing is clear, they had to hurry before Wolf gets an expedited execution date.

Wolfs POV

Wolf was almost out of the tunnel till he heard alarms coming from the service but couldn't tell what it was saying since it's too muffled underground but he could tell that they have found out that he had escaped. He had hopped that they wouldn't have found him as quick but since everyone decided to do a game of "Lets go check on Wolf at the same time" really makes it impossible for him to just waltz out.

He looks at his radio as it lights up confirming his fears. Matthews talks through the radio telling Wolf that he has been found out somehow but for Wolf he had a few reasons as to why he may have been found. This ranged from Chapayev and Deutschland being tied up and being found similar to the guards or it was AK 12 who alerted the guards. Upon haring this AK looked a bit down that Wolf would say threat she would do that but she hadn't lost hope yet.

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