Word count: 5118


"So how did you get here in Denver out of all places?" Tyler asked.

"Uh, well, I've been living back home for well over a year now, working in the family business again and all that. But living in a house with two parents, an adult sister and her boyfriend, a 17-year-old brother and a 15-year-old sister, is just too dang much sometimes", Josh said with a soft laugh. "I kind of felt suffocated and... I don't know, kind of like I was never gonna achieve anything as a college drop out with hardly any savings still living at his parents' place. I just needed to get out of there for a bit, and feel a bit more... well, mature I guess", Josh blushed. "Or more independent. Which is why I didn't bring anyone and I'm here on my own."

"So you decided to drive to Denver?" Tyler said with a soft laugh. "No", Josh blushed. "Not just that. I went to Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Denver to see you play on my own, like a solo trip", Josh said.

"Oh dude, you've been driving all of those distances the past few days just to see my shows? That's crazy", Tyler said. "I'll take that", Josh shrugged with a blush. "And I'm really glad you did", Tyler smiled. "'Cause you're here. I still can't believe you're actually here after so many years. You're right next to me. It's surreal", Tyler said.

"It feels like that for me too", Josh said with a blush. "Figured you'd forgotten about me", he said. "What! Never, that's impossible", Tyler said. "I mean, life has been a shit show for a while and I haven't had much thought to think of anything else... but I'd never forget you", Tyler said. "Absolutely not."

"Well in case you're wondering... I didn't forget about you either", Josh said with a giggle, and it made Tyler laugh. "Clearly not", he chuckled. "Have you been enjoying all the new stuff? Astronaut, December..." Tyler trailed. "Yes, I've been loving all of it", Josh smiled. "And I couldn't believe you blew up like that so quickly suddenly too. It was so awesome to see", Josh smiled. "Though it made me miss the small shows too", he blushed.

"If I'd been able to continue those small shows, I would've realized you're still coming to my shows a lot sooner", Tyler said. Josh shrugged. "That's okay, I- I'm just happy that you're so successful", he smiled. "I know you said that's what you always wanted, and knowing that you've achieved that... it's just really special", he said.

"Thank you, Josh", Tyler smiled softly. "I'm glad you don't blame me for that." "Of course not, silly", Josh said with a soft laugh. "I'm just sad that this was my last show of this tour and I have to wait for the next one again", Josh chuckled. "Oh man, I wish we'd seen each other sooner so we could've seen each other more this tour", Tyler said. "Did I at least play some of your favorites?" He asked.

"You have", Josh smiled. "Though you've never played my most favorite song", he said. "Oh? Which one is it?" Tyler asked. "Uhm, it's Tonight", Josh said. "Oh wow", Tyler said. "I... guess I never really played that song much", he said. "Have I really never played it when you were there?" Tyler asked. "Nope, in all thirty-seven shows - including today's show - you never did", Josh chuckled. "I don't think you ever played it since I started to listen to your music. And it's been quite some years. Maybe you did way in the beginning but you haven't done so for many years", Josh said.

"Oh man", Tyler softly said. "I... wonder if I even know how to play it", he chuckled. "Come with me. Let me try", Tyler said as he got up, waving for Josh to follow him, which he did. He was slightly in shock from what Tyler just said; let me try. Was he actually going to do that? Josh wasn't sure if he was ready for that.

Josh followed Tyler to the back of the bus and he opened the door at the end of the small hall. Tyler flicked the lights on and walked inside, turning around as he opened his arms. "Welcome to my traveling studio", he said with a laugh. "This is usually a bedroom with a double bed but I'd rather have a studio on wheels than a double bed to get even lonelier in so I prefer my bunk", Tyler chuckled. "Sit down", he gestured at a chair and Josh sat down as he looked around.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now