- Intel -

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A weekend agreement was formalised before Monday!

Utilising Andrea's savvy, intel was issued to the SC, via an untraceable dead-drop, on Saturday.

Amy was abreast of her role within Interpol. Her gut feelings were accurate. Once into the Garda source files she discovered, that it was a high-end prostitution ring. Amanda was the ring leader, however all her carriers, influencers and groomers were Czechoslovakian males. All imports were eastern European girls and women.

The trafficked women were predominantly from Romania & Moldova. Girls were groomed in Ukraine. Amy found Intel that proved that underage Ukrainian girls were sold at the Polish border for as little as 1,000 USD. The girls were driven into the Czech-Rep with falsified EU identifications.

This was a decade old trafficking route. Once groomed, at 16yrs the girls were passed into the European Sex-Network.

The first impasse in Intel was the clientele. Most were believed to be established Irish-European business men. Amy relished the challenge, immediately she targeted a Spanish business man from Valencia. He was a member of the Voz Spanish political party. She already knew he had connections with the Elche cartel.

He was first on her list. The list expanded into regional Valenciana councillors, including Torrevieja. Highly respected Irish property firms were listed, alongside criminal developers and financers. Scanning the list, Simons name appeared. After one year, Amy was back to Alicante, with the weight of Interpol behind her.

Deception in Ireland works via legal loopholes. The Irish criminal assets bureau (CAB), were clearly going after the R-IRA illicit enterprises. 

Amanda was associated with facilitating R-IRA money laundering!

Evidence proved that she promoted an Irish business investment scheme in the Costa Blanca tourism industry. More damning; Amanda was the facilitator of a Dublin based sex-ring. She was a madam for dignitaries, staying at the Shelbourne hotel, central Dublin.

Her "ladies" were confirmed as trafficked women, via the European Sex-Network. Amy ran through the files, to find that unbeknown to the Garda, the SC had tapped-up the hotel bar manager for intel. Their targets were Amanda's groomers, who accompanied 16yrs girls to the bar. On that score, they had achieved by putting classified evidence into Julia's pocket.

The Vox party member, and 4no Irish business men were caught in Interpol's trap. Amy referenced their background files, all 4 had previous convictions for sexual abuse and violence against women.

Amy worked across Interpol's platform, and realised the game. Lucas via Julia, was informing the Garda, on the whereabouts of the girls accommodation. They were under 24hr watch by the Garda special branch. Prostitution was a legal loophole, but underage trafficking wasn't legal.

Amanda's affluent house in Killiney, Dublin was under 24hr surveillance. The special branch were ready to pounce upon instruction.

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