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"Miss Hayes, welcome to Interpol's recruitment program."

"It takes a certain type of person to get this far. You have; because you have one quality I admire."

"You knew how to react against the Elche cartel, your honest instincts, delivered information to the Olive Press. You got that story out there."

"Amy, I know everything about you, I sent Andrea down to meet you....I nurtured Andrea on the same program....did she ever tell you that ?"


"No she didn't...more importantly...what exactly do you know about me.?


"Ok; Straight to the point...Christy's death but you on our database. Just like your journalistic instinct is to find intel, we went looking, and we traced you via your uncle....We also know what happened to your mother, Violet...." 

- Break in dialogue -

"Amy; I'm well aware as an agent, you will take some beating, hence I want you to engage with us, work this program, then your ours. Amy everything you ever wanted to know about that Omagh Bombing, the R-IRA...the UVF, its yours...and you will be genuinely surprised who authorised it." 


"Lucas, you have talked about the past, I'm focused on the future. I'm with Andrea, we're together now, the troubles in NI & Belfast are behind me." 

"My mother is gone, she was killed by the RUC." 

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