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Lucas had instructed due-diligence throughout the forensic search. 

Wayne had left incriminating evidence, on 7 phones/sims and a laptops. All were scanned for fingerprints & DNA. Everything was confiscated, along with items such as HSBC cards, UK cash, rohypnol, illegal steroids and SA cocaine. 

The R-IRA enforcer was facing a life sentence for attempted murder of 2no agents. He shot with intent to kill. 

Interpol had already accessed the Garda database. Critical data on Wayne's criminal CV confirmed 11 Irish convictions, including armed robbery. The latter was suspended due to lack of evidence. Thereafter he fled Ireland.

A senior superintend had noted on file that Wayne had probably executed his half brother. Niall was murdered during a R-IRA gangland cull in west Dublin, 2012. He was found dead in the Royal canal. Niall was involved with drug dealers in Finglas, Dublin. Those being the New-IRA.

In turn the super disclosed the associates criminal relationship. He was their own informer. Many drug seizures were accredited to his information. He was allowed to exist, only to trap James. The super confirmed he gave them DDCO's rivals in Dublin and Ireland. 

The super skewed intel on Wayne. He wasn't in Ireland so Interpol could charge him in Spain.

Now Interpol had that link back to Dublin and the R-IRA.

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