Taking hits for you, because I wanna feel like I'm supposed to

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My head pounded, as to be expected. I dragged the back of my hand across my forehead wiping away the sweat that had accumulated. It was a restless sleep, tossing and turning, my body too hot and my mind scattered trying to process the events of yesterday coming out in the form of weird dreams. My body felt heavy, my chest hurt like someone was standing on it but it was just me alone, on Cartman's couch, drenched in sweat. I didn't sleep well, tossing and turning, and now being awake there was a weird pain in my neck and back I'll blame on sleeping on the couch.

The pressure in my chest slightly decreased as I sat up looking around. From the kitchen, I could hear the back and forth between two voices. I rubbed my temples trying to dig up a coherent thought. Yesterday; I yelled at my dad, Ky and I went to Cartman's, his mom had been calling him nonstop, and he left to go talk to her, I started drinking, and then Kenny was upset with me. Where was Kenny? The thought accrued to me now realizing neither of the murmuring voices flowing in from the kitchen belonged to the scrawny blonde. The voices I was hearing belonged to Cartmans and when I focused more on listening, Kyle? He was still here? The voices were quiet enough that I wasn't able to hear what they were saying so at least that meant for once fatass and Ky were getting along which was a relief, for the sake of my throbbing headache at least.

But where's Kenny? Why was he mad? I did something, I don't remember. I was drinking, Kyle had left, and I was drinking because Kyle left so why did Kenny get mad? I sat on the couch head in my hands almost on my knees with my eyes scrunched tightly trying to wrack my brain for any kind of answer.

"Penny wise! Sleeping beauty's up!" Eric's thick voice cut through my thoughts. I cringed at his volume.

"Can you stop fucking calling me that! I swear to fuck I'm going to knock your teeth in Cartman!" I heard him before I saw him as Kyles's higher voice rang out from the kitchen.

"Morning princess, how's that head?" Cartman asked with an artificially sweet voice and mocking tone.

"Shut up dude, that's how," I scowled as Cartman burst out laughing and began his regularly scheduled tyrant of teasing.

"Neh neh neh neh, you're hungover! Neh neh neh neh neh neh, you're an alcoholic!"
I smacked him in the thigh, " it's too early for your bullshit Cartman," I grumbled.

"Early? Stan, it's fucking 3 pm," Kyle now stood in front of me, hands on his hips giving me a look my mom would give me.

"Shit, okay," I steadily raised myself up off the couch stretching. I stood up on my toes cracking my ankles stretching my hands high above my head scrunching my eyes shut in the process. When I opened my eyes Kyle was staring at me with a goofy smile.

"What?" I asked cocking my head to the side confused.

"Nothing you're just really cute," he smiled and leaned in close to kiss the tip of my nose. We leaned against each other foreheads touching, and Kyle's eyes fluttered shut. His face relaxed and for the first time in the last couple of days, he looked completely one hundred percent at peace.

"Aye! I said you homos could stay over if you didn't start fucking in my house!" Cartmans interrupted the moment drawing us away from each other. Kyle's face scrunched into an annoyed scowl directing his firey gaze to Cartman.

"Would you fucking shut up!"

"would you fucking stop being gay?!" Eric replied in a mocking tone. Kyle grunted, balling his hands into fists by his side but before he could do much else I grabbed his shoulder and gave him gental squeeze. He turned around eyes softening.

"You guys made it like almost the entire day without killing each other how is it now that I'm awake, you're on the verge?" I asked with a soft smile on my lips.

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