Just take a look around theres no one here thats happy

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I woke up to a kick in the back.

"Up yours Cartman" I mumbled burying my face into my pillow. My head hurt and so did my back from Cartman's foot being jammed between my shoulder blades. I kept my eyes closed tightly and held my pillow over my ears. Most of my body hurt but I couldn't quite think of why. What I knew was I was on Kenny's floor and Cartman had just kicked me in the back. I didn't remember how I got to be on Kenny's floor or why Eric was there or why I felt like I was going to hurl all my organs out and my brain was going to explode.

All I could remember was wanting Stan. We did something last night or maybe we were going to but I just remembered via feeling that Stan wasn't there. Every part of my body hurt.

"Wrong. Fat ass left hours ago" Kenny said.
"Ken you can't kick people in their sleep!" I yelled into my pillow.
"Well it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon, c'mon we're going to Stan's house" I took my face out of my pillow and looked at Kenny.

His room was small and stuffy, the curtains were drawn so it was dark but you could still see the sunlight coming through the holes. Kenny stood above me fully dressed his hair still a mess but in a beautiful way. His hair was choppy from his mom's hair cuts and the ends of his hair would sometimes curl leaving it to stick up like it was now.

It was late June but he still always wore an orange zip-up jacket he had traded his parka out for in middle school when he grew out of it.

"What did we do last night?" I asked. The little bit of light in the room hurt my eyes and just looking up at Kenny made my head start spinning.

"Jesus man you really went hard," he said smiling. Kenny's smile was crooked and missing one of his canines, his nose wasn't quite straight but it never had been and when he smiles he has a mischievous gleam in his baby blue eyes.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I plummeted my head back into my pillow, instantly regretting the sudden moment. Kenny kicked me again.
"We played mini golf remember?"

"Then why do I feel like my head is being ripped apart and I have ninja stars stuck in my eyeballs?"
"Yeah okay we played mini golf and then we did a shit ton of drinking." he chuckled.

"No fucking shit," I laughed, "The question is why and why don't you seem like your dying?"

"That was nothing Kyle trust me. Baby stuff," he laughed again.

"And Cartman? How'd he manage to get up and leave?"

"He didn't drink anything, he said he wanted to feel better than you in the morning and then rub it in your face how you massively hung over and he feels great. He went home early though so I guess he missed his shot."

"I'm never doing this again!" I yelled from my position on the floor.

"I live in a house of alcoholics Kyle don't worry we have plenty of hangover cures," he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me over from my stomach onto my back. "We're gonna go find out why Stan ditched us last night Cartman said he was just being an asshole so he didn't care and went home."

I managed to get myself into an upright position. Did Stan ditch us? That's why I was missing him? A groan escaped my throat. Kenny left the room and I folded my knees into my chest. He came back in with a bottle of pills and a glass of something. He offered me two round pills from the bottle and then the glass. I gave him a questioning look.

"Aspirin" I gave my head a slight nod to the hand with the glass of mystery liquid. "Just drink it," Kenny said. I put the pills in my mouth and swallowed them dry before chasing them with a swig from the glass. I immediately spit out the drink, my eyes burned and I coughed choking.

"KENNY WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?!" I screamed still coughing. " Jesus Christ I think my throat is dying!"

"It's watered-down coffee, pickle juice, a little bit of salt, cough syrup, and a smidge of vodka," he said.

"Gross Kenny!"

"It works for my parents don't knock it till you try it, man."  I held my nose and drank the glass trying to not think about the concoction I was drinking. I sat a minute longer while my stomach turned.

"Okay, Ken. Gimme a minute and I'll get up," I said unfolding my legs, stretching out. Kenny turned away and closed the door behind him as he left. My body was stiff from sleeping on the floor. I managed to stand up off the floor and started to find some clothes to change into. My shirt had Kenny's horrible elixir down the front of me and I didn't even know where my pants were. I couldn't tell if the clothes were clean or dirty but I didn't care. My mouth tasted my death and my head still throbbed.

I left Kenny's room and met him in the hallway outside his door.

"Sorry I didn't really expect to stay over so hope it's okay I'm borrowing your clothes and stuff," the shirt I picked up off the floor was black and bleach stained with some band logo I didn't recognize. Kenny's jeans were a bit tight considering his waist was slimmer than mine and the knees has both been ripped open.
"Yeah you're good, let's go," before we left he tucked a loose curl back into my hat. "Don't forget to check your blood sugar, you haven't eaten for a while, it's probably low. You had a snow cone last night so I don't know if you're gonna be all fucked up or what, I just don't want you to like die on me," he laughed to himself handing me the kit to check my sugar.

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