There are certain things you ask of me and there are certain things I lack

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Both of Kyle's parents came home and after Sheila found out about what happened with my parents she demanded I come over for dinner, correctly assuming that I wasn't getting any home-cooked meals anymore. It was unavoidable that she would find out and I was honestly surprised it took this long but still I dreaded having to face Sheila now. Kyle's mom was always on top of everyone's gossip and always had something to say about it, everyone. Kyle's whole family basically saw me as one of their own but I knew this dinner was going to hurt a little as Sheila would probably grill me with a million questions about things I didn't want to talk about. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door, why do I even knock I used to basically live here and their expecting me.

I was greeted by Kyle's dad and let into the house. I sat on the couch next to Ike who was watching TV.

"Was that Stan at the door?" Kyle yelled from somewhere else in the house.

"Yeah, I'm watching tv with Ike!" I yell in response. Kyle come bounding around the corner and rolled over the back of the couch to join his brother and me. He laid on his back kicking his legs over the back of the couch.

"You sure seem in a good mood."

"Yeah, I guess I am," now that I pointed it out Kyle looked like he had to think about how he was feeling. "Yeah I do feel good today," he said again like he was reassuring himself. Kyle moved his head so it was now on my thigh I felt a little butterflies in my stomach. I raised my eyebrows at Kyle and we both started smiling and laughing.

"You guys are fucking weird," Ike said annoyed we were interrupting his show, "always giggling at each other making goo-goo eyes at each other, it's gross,"

"Ike, what happened in the last 12 hours that no longer makes us best friends?" I asked pinching his arms. He swatted my hand away and annoyingly turned off the tv along out of the living room. "Dude what is his problem," I laughed. Kyle flung his legs backward rolling onto the floor and sitting on his knees facing me.

"He's all pissed with my mom for not letting him play Minecraft all day," He said. From all of Kyles rolling around his hat fell to the side and I reached out to adjust it for him also tucking red curls back beneath it. I ran the back of my fingers along his cheekbone feeling his soft skin.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm fixing your hat," I responded confused.

"No shit dumbass I'm talking about that stupid goofy smile you have plastered on your face and the way you just touched my face."

"Oh, I don't know," I couldn't think of anything to cover up my actions. I just wanted to feel his skin and I've always wanted to run my fingers along the strong bone structure of his face. I had the urge to trace over every part of him with my fingertips creating a mental map of all of him the way he felt and where he was sharp or soft.



"You okay? You're all like spaced out and your face is red,"

"Oh... yeah I'm fine by the way what for dinner?" I was desperate to try and get Kyle away from asking questions centered around how I was feeling.

"I think salmon and cucumber couscous," he said thoughtfully.

"Oooh pulling out all the stops for me?" I teased. He hit my knee.

"Nope you get dog food we bought it just for you," he joked back giving me a wide grin.

"Well, it's gonna be a great dinner if it's with you Ky," I laughed.

"Dude that's like super gay," he said blushing.

"Looking in the mirror, you're super fucking gay," I responded laughing a little. Kyle laughed too but it seemed forced.

"Yep... that's me.. super gay," he said sarcastically.

"Yeah Kyle's gay that's cool! right?" Ike said walking back in.

"IKE!" Kyle screamed red in the face, "Don't go saying that!" he pulled his hay down over his face.

"But you-" Ike started saying

"NO! Don't say anything else Ike!" he yelled from under his hat.

"Mom says dinner ready," Ike said looking just as confused as I was by Kyle's outburst.

"Kyle are you-" I started to ask.

"just don't!" he snapped at me cutting me off, "Sorry I just said something to Ike and I guess... I don't know, kids weird," he threw in a nervous laugh while he picked at his fingers I grabbed his hand and put it in mine prevents him from further peeling away the skin on his fingers. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears while I held his hand and we just stared at each other.

"We should probably go eat," Kyle suggested, I nodded separating our hands. I wanted to keep holding his hand but I still let him go before any more gay jokes were made since that caused his outburst to upset him. Dinner was as I predicted, Sheila asking me all sorts of questions about my family and about my mom leaving. I tried my best to keep my answer short and simple but it still became overwhelming. My breathing started to pick up and I felt a panic start to set in.

Under the table, I felt Kyle interlace his fingers with mine and give me a squeeze. He was staring straight ahead so he couldn't see my look of surprise. The warmth of his hand felt nice in mine and sent a cool wave of comfort over me. I returned his squeeze and continued to field Sheila's questions. After dinner Kyle and I was put on dish duty.

"God that was exhausting," I said drying the dish Kyle just handed me.

"I know dude I'm sorry," he looked like he had to say more but instead turned away and went back to the task at hand.

"It's all good at least I got a decent meal out of it I swear I haven't eaten something that didn't come from a can or a package," I laughed it was the first time since my mom left I had someone cook for me. My dad wasn't one to cook, even when he thought he could when encouraged by the cooking channel.



"That thing that Ike said?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I am gay," he focuses intently on the dish he had been scrubbing even though it was clean.

"You are?" I felt the little butterflies in my stomach again he didn't say anything and I could see he looked like he wanted to cry. The silence was killer. "Do your parents know?" I asked finally.

"No just you, Ike, and Butters," his uneven voice said.


"Yeah, he helped me figure it out."

"Wait you guys didn't like..." I trailed off hoping he would pick up on what i was implying.

"Gross Stan! Sick dude!" he made faces at me while handing me dishes. "No we just talked and asked me if I liked this boy, and I do like a boy it's just that I felt like I couldn't like him like that and we're only ever going to be friends. I think I'm in love with him and have been for so long I was just trying to keep it all down and not deal with it." he continued on. My heart sank a little bit when he mentioned liking someone.

"It's okay Ky," I hugged him tight, "I'll always be here with you forever, I want you to be happy with who you are and it means a lot that you told me this," I wanted to sounded as reassuring as possible now he needed me. "I'm always going to be here for you tooI love you dude you're my best friend."

"Want to stay over again tonight?" he asked me with a small smile.

"Yeah that would be great," I said letting him go. We got back to the task at hand which we had abandoned.

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