I hear static when I close my eyes

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"Oh, my god!! Kyle!" My mom grabbed my face still tender from last night, "Bubby! My beautiful baby's face!" She squeezed my cheeks frantically turning my head and looking at all the damage Stan's fists had caused. It never seems to be a possibility to my mom that I wasn't a little kid anymore, she still talked to me like I was nine years old.

"Mom please," I sighed knowing nothing I said was going to make a difference.

"Gerald!" She squealed, "Come quick it's Kyle!" After a moment my dad was now in my doorway. My mom turned my face so he could see, "Look what happened to our baby!" She was frantic now. His face dropped a little bit.

"Kyle, what happened?" He inquired. I didn't know how to tell them I didn't have the words and I didn't want them to know, but the state of my face made that impossible.

"Nothing it's fine guys"

"It's not fine Kyle! Your face is all bruised and oh god just look at you! Your little lip is split and you're all swollen! This isn't nothing!" My mom whaled.

" Sheila let me talk to him," my dad said managing to get my mom to let go of my face. I rubbed the tender spots on my face where she had been squeezing.

"I know your mother can be a bit... over dramatic, but she really cares about you, what happened?"

"I got into a stupid fight," I said dully

"Kyle you should know that's not how we raised you violence isn't the answer," he paused leaving time for my rebuttal.

"Okay, a fight isn't the right way to describe what happened... more like.." I thought carefully about how to explain to my dad what had happened while causing the least amount of concern. "It's more like I'm bad at defending myself, I didn't fight back and I'm not really that great at blocking I guess," those probably weren't the right words. My dad looked like he was about to start going on about something, "can we just drop it?"

"Your mother won't like that," he sighed.

"I know but I really don't want to talk about it, can you talk to her?" I pleaded.

"I can try but I'm not going to promise anything," he said leaving my room. I sat listening to his footsteps go down the hallway and down the stairs, muffled voices, and my mom's high pitch whaling.

This is really not how I wanted my morning to start... goddamn it. My mom had come into my room to leave me a basket of clean clothes and then she saw my face. I woke up to her crying and violently shaking me awake. I was too tired to deal with anything happening since I wasn't able to sleep last night. I stared at my ceiling half hoping that it would collapse on top of me. Everything hurt my body and my soul.

It hit me last night and it was still hitting me that my best friend beat the shit out of me. If it wasn't for the guys I don't think he would have stopped either. I had never seen him so angry before and full of hate. His eyes were deranged. I sighed fucking Wendy. Things were so fucked up right now and it seemed to be all at once, nothing could be normal for us.

I rolled back over to face my wall, I just wanted to go back to sleep. I wished I would sleep for the next three months my face hurt and I thought about how I lost my best friend probably, all over some stupid girl I hate her! I felt my eyes get watery and hot. Putting my face into a pillow I began to cry.

I missed Stan in so many ways. I missed how he was last night smiling and goofing around, I missed how we used to be and mostly I missed the idea of him thinking he'd never want to talk to me again. I didn't want to kiss Wendy I hadn't kissed her back, I tried to think about what possibly gave her the idea to kiss me. Stan was so mad about it so it didn't matter, he seemed mad about so much more though. I should have told her to fuck off, I was an idiot for even letting her in.

I had never really been fond of Wendy. For so long she was the only thing Stan talked about. They were always together, I would watch them from a distance and get weirdly jealous of her. I never made it a point to get to know her all that well and neither did she. We seemed to have a mutual dislike for each other but tolerated each other because of Stan. Each of the thoughts of times they'd broken up for whatever stupid reason I was always there to pick up Stan, and each time I hated her more.

I was angry and crying, it was exhausting I shut my eyes and prayed I could just sleep for a little bit. Everything was fucked. I yawned fucked I thought before my eyelids were too heavy to keep open anymore.

I felt a little bit better when I woke up the second time, my house was quiet and the sun was getting lower, shit I slept all day, but I needed it. I was so mentally exhausted from everything that had happened still. I hadn't slept the night before and spent most of the night crying. After my mom woke me up it just all seemed like too much. I checked my phone with a message from my mom saying that my parents and brother had left to go out to dinner, my dad didn't want to wake me up, she loved me, and they would bring me leftovers. There was another message from Butters checking up on me after yesterday. The message was sent four hours ago, I didn't bother answering. I scrolled through Instagram and got another message from Cartman this time

*Hey ass wipe! I see your online answer us bitch ass jew!!* I didn't have the energy to deal with him now, but he didn't stop. I typed back a short and sweet *kys*. I closed my phone and stared at my wall. I missed Stan. There was a loud banging on my door and yelling.


God fucking damn it! My front door opened and heavy footsteps clumped up my stairs. Cartman barged into my room and there was a second set of footsteps behind him, probably Butters. I sighed heavily, I felt so alone Cartman was never someone I liked that much but he had gotten a lot better since elementary school, still ragged on me for being Jewish constantly. Cartman and Butters were oddly close, Kenny and Stan had gotten a lot closer since last year when I started getting weird around him, and Kenny had Craig which I found slightly odd too.

"Cartman why are you here?"

"Butters was worried about you and oh my god!" he burst out laughing, "I had to see it to believe it!"

"Eric!" Butters hissed.

"I can't believe I miss Stan beating the shit out of you!"

"Cartman if you're just going to make fun of me you can leave," I sighed. Butters sat down on my bed and put his hand on my back.

"I was worried about you Kyle," his voice said softly.

"Thanks, Butters but I just want to be alone,"

"No way!" he exclaimed, "We need to get you out of here! Come swimming with Eric and I! We were going to meet up with Clyd and Bebe and I don't actually know who else! It'll be tons of fun I bet!" He forcefully rolled me over so I would face him and smiled wide. I couldn't say no to Butters, he wouldn't let me be and just wanted to help.

"Okay, okay give me a minute and I'll get my swim shorts on and we can go," I said smiling back at Butters.

"God everyone around here is so depressing, I'm getting sick and tired of this!" Eric remarked before leaving my room with Butters.

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