Everything is changing even faster than it was back then

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We were surrounded by the sounds off ski balls flying up the lanes with a ding singnifiying points had been one fallowed by the sounds of tickets being dispensed. Kyle was still bugging me about sports, we both knew I was no good at basketball so he suggested things like foot ball or lacrosse. I shot down every sport he offered feeling more secusre in my musical abbilites then my athletic ability. I watched Kyle fling the game balls up his lane and my stomach started to grumble. I waked between him and Butters and tapped them both on the shoulders.

"Dude I'm getting hungry you gues want to leave and go get something to eat?" we ad been in the Arcade for a couple hours and now the signs of early eaving were starting to show.

"Oh jeez it has been a while," Butters said checking his phone.

"Ywah I could eat," Kyle said counting his tickets from all the games he had plaed today.

"Fatass! Come one were leaving to go eat!" I called out to cartman.

"Can we get KFC?" Kenny yelled over the impending response from cartman.

"Yeah as long as I actually get some of the chicken skins this time!" Kyle spat at cartman.

We left the arcade and made our way to the KFC location each ordering a different chicken meal and eating withoutut saying mch, being too busy chewing to talk anyway.

"What's the plan for toight then?" Kyle said breaking our silence.

"Well I have to be getting home soon fellas," Butters started. "My folks are still a bit sore so they said I'm not aloud to stay out for a little while yet."

"I got a girls number at the arcdace so I'm going to try and get some," Kenny said with a msichvouls grin biting his knuckles.

"Gross kenny!" Kyle hissed.

"Well I have a hot date with my toilet I belive after this," Cartman added on.

"So I guess it's just you and me Ky," I smiled and allied my fingers to find his under the table. I brushed my pinky over the back of his hand that e had placed on his thigh. He spread his fingers allowing me to slide mine inbetween his and we both smiled slightly while we finished our meals. We eachsaid our good byes and split into our separate ways expect Kyle and I.

"So now what?" I asked as we walked down the street side by side our shoulders brushing against each other. Each brush gave me butterflies any psyhcical contact with him made my heart jump.

"Well my mom kind of complained about me being out all the tme so I think I should go home," he said with a hint of disappointment.

"Oh can I stay over?"

"I'd love that but I think my mom wants me to take a break," his eyes looked sad.

"Can I stay just a little?" I whined at Kyle stealing a kiss. I felt a smile form on his lips as he kissed me back.

"You have to go home,"" he whispered pulling away for my lips slightly. I pulled him back to me and pressed my lips on his, not wanting to let him go.

"Stan really you should go, and I won't want anyone to see us making out it's not like were hidden on my front porch."

"Oh okay yeah I get that," I tried to hide the bitterness in my voice. Since we had made up Kyle hadn't left my side and I didn't like the idea of being separated from him even for a few hours after our last fight especially. It was weird feeling all these things I didn't feel before the jealousy, loneliness, and just how much I missed him just after he walked away from me. Kyle and I were inseparable and I had always been a little bit clingy to him we did everything together and rarely were apart but now more than ever it was like I wanted to be a part of him. I had definitely felt them before but never as strong. I normally wasn't the jealous type especially but when it came to Kyle it somehow became different, I didn't want to admit I was jealous when Toilken and Ky got close but still, deep down it hurt but now seeing how easily it bothered me the way he just simply interacted with Butters it made me feel stupid.

I shook my head trying to clear my mind and began the long walk home. My dad's truck was parked in the driveway for the first time in several days and I raised a surprised eyebrow to myself. I opened the door and the house was still quiet.

"Stan?" my dad's voice called out from the kitchen.

"Yeah, who else would be walking into your house?" I rolled my eyes.

"Come here stan I need to talk to you." His voice had an odd amount of seriousness in it. I slowly crept my way into the kitchen where my dad was seated at the table. When he saw me he pointed his hand to the seat across from him urging me to sit down. I hesitantly took a seat. His eyes are red and he looks... sober, and he smells sober too. He smells clean?

"What's this about?" I nervously laughed trying to break the awkward tension.

"Your mom," usually when he said that it was while making a 'your mom joke' but right now that wasn't the case and my stomach twisted into knots. My dad and I locked eyes, "She's staying in Califonia," his words ripped through my ears my chest pounding with a deep ache. I felt like he had just leaped over the table, shoving his hand down my throat to rip out part of my soul.

"W-what?" I squeaked out.

"She's staying in California, she said she really likes it out there and being close to your sister," there seemed to be more that he wasn't telling me balancing on the tip of his tongue.

"Well, what about me! Why the fuck does she always fucking drop everything for fucking Shelly!" I yelled pounding my hands on the table.

"Stan can you calm down, I want to have a civil conversation," he said.

"Calm down?! Yeah sure Dad let me just try to forget the fact that my mother is abandoning me!" I angrily yelled with heavy sarcasm.

"It's not like that Stan, you knew she was unhappy-"

"I'm unhappy Dad! What about me!" I cut him off. I shoved back the chair and stormed off with hot tears in my eyes. Once I slammed my bedroom door I slid down onto the floor and hugged my knees as I began to cry. Why doesn't my mom love me as much as my stupid fucking sister?

I sat on the floor longer feeling the knees of my jeans starting to get damp from my crying and I raised my head looking around my room dimly lit by the golden hour glow. My eyes focus on the edge of my bed frame. Tucked beneath my headboard and between my mattress and boxspring, was a small thin silver flask. I weakly crawled over to my bed and lifted the mattress retrieving the flask. I listened breathing lightly at the swish of the liquid the flask held. Unscrewing the cap I was hit with the sweet smell of peach snobs.

I took a large sip slightly grimacing at the sweet taste of the burning liquor as it passed through my lips. I took a deep breath before continuing to empty my flask, it didn't take long and it felt like I was trying to drown myself with the alcohol.

I need more.

This isn't enough.

I sat curled up on my floor clutching tightly my now empty craving for more ways to ease the pain and started crying again. There was that feeling again, the feeling of missing my mom, feeling nine years old and missing my mom, crying wanting nothing but my mom to make me feel better. I was mourning her loss but soon the mourning turned into anger. The anger built in my chest feeling higher and I couldn't breathe, I was so mad that she left me but I was even more mad that I was so upset about it.

I scanned my room, under my mattress wasn't the only place I had alcohol hidden about, it was just the easiest to get to. My body felt weak like all of my bones had turned to silicon and I couldn't move, all of my feelings psychically manifesting and weighing me down. There was a full bottle of peach snobs in my closet and I found the strength to get up and retrieve it. I rolled over and sat up with a sway trying to get my body to move despite the weight on my chest and the lucidity of my bones. Shaking slightly, I stood up and walked over to the closest and I reached up and fell around blindly on the shelf until I felt the cool glass in my grasp. I plugged my nose and threw back my head quickly letting the snobs pass through my lips and smoothly down my throat. I wanted to be numb, I didn't want to hurt.

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