As I trip on an ocean than leads through your eyes

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It felt good having Kyle be my little spoon despite our height differences. I had him tucked under my arm holding him close against my chest, this just felt right. I nuzzled my head into the crock of his neck breathing in his sweet vanilla smell. I loved this boy, I knew that more than ever.

"I'm still confused," I whispered into this neck.

"Why?" Kyle squirmed in my arms and I loosened my grip allowing him to turn to face me. I couldn't help myself but to kiss his nose. I had thought about kissing him before putting my hands in places I shouldn't, holding him in ways more than platonic, and now that I had kissed him I couldn't stop myself.

"I like girls," I sighed "But I also like boys," I said pressing my forehead against his. I slid my hand up the back of his shirt feeling his body tense before he relaxed again. I just wanted to touch him and feel the warmth against my hand.

"You can like both boys and girls," he said softly, "it's a thing called being bisexual," he explained.

"What's that mean?" I hadn't heard the term before.

"Well, there's not just two sexualities, more than just gay and straight. There are so many different sexualities and one of them is when you like both boys and girls, it's called bisexual."

I thought carefully about what he was saying, "Yeah. I guess that sounds right," I gave Kyle a quick kiss and he smiled against my lips.

"You don't sound entirely convinced," he said putting his head on my shoulder.

"It's just... I feel like I need to have a label but I still don't understand how it all works, all I know is I liked Wendy but now I like you. I just don't understand why I feel this way and I don't know how to label it." I explained to him sweetly.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out Stan," he reassured me. Kyle kissed y neck sending an electric wave through my body as he snuggled closer to me. I closed my eyes and smiled feeling a new kind of warmth spread through my body as I held him close drifting off to sleep.

I woke up laying on my back Kyle sleeping soundly on my chest with his legs and arms wrapped around me. I reached for my phone plugged in on Kyle's nightstand and snapped a picture. I wanted to remember how beautiful he was right now on my chest. I changed the lock screen picture of my phone to the new one of Kyle and smiled to myself. I watched as his back slowly rose and fell while he took steady breaths. I started a bit longer until Kyle groaned and stretched out his arms and legs.

"Good morning," he said in an adorably sleepy voice.

"Moring," I said kissing his head. Kyle looked up at me now and whipped the sleep out of his eyes before putting his lips against mine. I kissed him back our lips fought against each other in a new passion that we now shared. Our good morning kiss started to become a sloppy make-out, despite his morning breath I couldn't get enough of him and wanted the taste of his lips to never go away.

I broke away for a moment to sit up in Kyl'es bed and he looked at me puzzled for stopping also sitting up. I pulled him back to me reconnecting our lips requesting entry into his mouth. Our tounges fought for dominance mine eventually winning. I began to lean Kyle back into his bed straddling his lap.

"S-Stan," he said into my mouth.

"Don't talk," I kissed his jawline, "just kiss me you loser," I returned my lips to his.

"No," he said all breathy, " can we just stop a minute?" I was a bit surprised but pulled away.

"What are we doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? Making out," I started to lean in again eager to continue one of my new favorite activities but Kyle pushed me away.

"No Stan, I mean like what are we doing here?"

"Kyle you're one of the only people I know who can overthink making out," I told him before starting to kiss the freckles light that ran along his face. They were barely noticeable and you had to be within kissing distance to really see them.

" Dude seriously stop screwing around I'm trying to have a real conversation with you," hearing the frustration in his voice I stopped and felt awkward sitting on his lap now. I slid off laying down alongside him.

"What does this make us?" his voice was quiet.

" I don't know..."

" I mean we both like each other so what are we? Does that make us boyfriends?" My heart skipped a beat as he said boyfriends and I felt my face start to warm a little bit.

"I would like it if you were my boyfriend," I said admiring the perfection of his beauty.

"I would like to be your boyfriend," he said red on the face, and kissed me more innocently than I had wanted. I tried on my best 'puppy dog' eyes and gave a fake pout.

"I want to taste my new boyfriend again," I said giving him the best seductive smirk I could muster.

"I love you Stan but let me brush my teeth first," I laughed and watched him get out of bed. I smiled to myself as I fixed my eye on his ass watching the way his hips swayed slightly while he walked. I felt slightly guilty thinking about my best friend's ass but I quickly pushed away this guilt because my super best friend was now my super best boyfriend.

"Hey, Ky!" I yelled now giggling a little at what just came to mind. Kyle mumbled something and walked back into the room with toothpaste foam around his mouth still brushing.

"So you know how Cartman always made fun of us and calls us super boyfriends," he rolled his eyes and nodded, "I guess he was kind of right," I said through laughter.

"Oh my god Stan don't even," he walked away laughing, "Oh, and if you want to continue what we were doing I suggest you follow me," he grinned. I sighed and followed him to the bathroom. I watched as he rinsed his mouth out getting rid of the last of remained of toothpaste.

"What are you looking at?"

"The prettiest boy in the world," I said grinning. I began to brush my teeth and Kyle stood behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his face into my back while I finished brushing my teeth.

"You're getting clingy," I laughed.

" Shut up Stan you have no idea how long I've waited for this," he mumbled into my back.

"I never said I didn't like it," I said back interlocking our fingers in one of his hands. I walked back to his room. Once he closed the door I pinned him against the wall and kissed him.

"Stan!" he gasped in surprise at my sudden action. I felt him smile against my lips while we continued the make-out session we started what felt like forever ago. I couldn't get enough of him. The taste was addicting. I had to stop needing to breathe again to prevent another asthma attack and pulled away breathless. I looked at him, lust clouding my judgment, wanting more of him the taste of his lips isn't enough. I kissed along his jawline down to his neck and Kyle let out a breathy moan as I started to suck on his neck slightly


"hmm?" I bit down sucking on the skin between my teeth now a bit more aggressive

"Stan can you- Stan stop!" I jumped back at the urgency in his voice

"What did I bite too hard?"

"No it's just kind of a lot," he l looked scared.

"Oh my god Kyle I'm so sorry I just kind of got a little carried away and wasn't thinking I'm so so fucking sorry," I said quickly feeling bad.

"No, it's okay I just kind of want to take things slow, you know while we figure them out," he said to me giving me a reassuring look.

"I'm still sorry I just really really like kissing you and because I'm an idiot... I just am kind of touch deprived and I want to like kiss you a lot, I'm sorry."

"Stan stops apologizing now you're being an idiot," he gave me a peck on the cheek.

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