There's an amount to take, reasons to take more

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Kenny had taken me to bed and stayed the night with me. He put an arm around me leading me to my room whispering comforting things to me as my crying had passed now. I was still sniffling as he laid down in bed with me like we did when we were kids. He stretched his arms upward revealing a small bit of his abdomen, I saw a spot that looked red and purple. I thought back to when I was throwing fits and elbows and kicking when he tried to get me off Kyle. Shit, I didn't mean to hurt Kenny.

I went from Kenny to Kyle. My knuckles still had blood from hitting Kyle, some mine most of it his I examined my hands closely looking at the small parts of my skin that were split open. I knew Wendy was gone but still, I couldn't control how angry I was when he told me they kissed. I wondered what would have happened if Kenny and Craig weren't there. I felt a wave of guilt but quickly shoved the feeling aside. Kyle was my best friend and he betrayed me by kissing it was easier to be angry.

Kenny had stretched out against the wall under my blankets and was softly snoring. It was nothing new sharing a bed with Kenny or anyone really we always did when we slept over unless it was a lot of us then we'd sleep together on the floor, so I didn't mind that he had passed out wrapping himself in most of my blankets. I laid down beside him and tried to drift off finding rhythm in Kenny's breathing.

When I woke up Kenny was still passed out beside me, but he had kicked all the blankets off and somehow his shirt was half off. My door slowly creaking open woke me up and my dad stood in my doorway, the light from the hallway spilled in and I glared at him.

"Hey Stan-" he poked his head in the door and gave me a confused expression before continuing, "Who's in your bed?"

"Just Kenny,"

"Oh well tell him I said hi,"

"What did you want dad?"

"Yeah just wanted to check on you Stan, you were upset yesterday and I heard yelling last night-"

I cut him off, " I'm fine." I rolled over to face Kenny. I pulled the covers back over him.

"Well if you want to talk Stanley I'm here for you buddy"

"I don't want to talk, especially not to you." I snapped.

"Okay buddy I'll be here when you do want to talk," he said ignoring my last comment. Kenny sat up.

"Mornin' Mr. Marsh," he tiredly waved.

"Hey Kenny want any breakfast boys?" I snapped up from my position next to Kenny sitting upright.

"Jesus Christ dad stop acting like you give a shit!" I snapped, "Since when did you start caring? Huh? Wanting to talk and shit about my feelings??" I inhaled sharply before continuing, "You've never cared about my feelings! If you did we wouldn't fucking be here! Just because Kenny's here doesn't mean you can try to play the perfect dad to look good! You've never offered to make me breakfast unless someone's over!" My face felt hot, and I had to catch my breath from my sudden rant. My dad looked hurt and turned away heading back downstairs.

Kenny placed his hand on my shoulder, "Don't say anything, Ken," I said under my breath. I sighed heavily and groaned before flopping backward into my pillows. I ran my fingers through my hair and gripped two handfuls. Kenny patted my shoulder before getting out of bed. He looked at his phone and quickly got his few things together.

" I gotta dip man, Karen texted me."

"Oh yeah, see you later Kenny" He left without saying anything else. It was so weird to me that his home life was so fucked up but he would do anything for his family, mainly his sister but if his parents asked him to empty his bank account to bail them out he wouldn't complain. Anyone could tell Kenny hated his home life, his brother had graduated and left to join the military. originally he said he was going to do the same but we couldn't stand the idea of that and managed to talk him into trying to go to college.

Now it was his parents and sister at home, he was his sister's best friend and she was basically his whole world. His parents were prone to disappear going on benders showing up days or weeks later, some times he'd get a call to bail them out from the drunk tank and the whole cycle would start again. I didn't understand how his life could be so fucked up but he could be so compassionate and still love his family the way he did. Compared to Kenny my home life was paradise. Even though my parents fought nonstop they didn't beat each other. My dad may smoke too much weed but at least he wasn't doing meth or going on benders, I still couldn't remotely say I cared as much about my family as Kenny did his.

My sister and I were never close like Kenny and Karen or Kyle and Ike, our relationship had gotten better as we bonded over our mutual hate for the farm and started relying more on each other as a distraction as our parents screamed at each other.


I looked down at my hands at the dry cracked blood I never washed off and the cuts on my hands. I thought about what caused those cuts and cringed at the memory of my hands hitting his face repeatedly. For a moment I sat in disbelief, I was still mad at him but it wasn't as much for kissing Wendy it was just being mad. I went to wash my hands off and shower. I needed to stop thinking about Kyle.

I sat in my bathtub with the shower running letting the warm water run over my body. My showers had started becoming less about cleaning myself and more of a safe place for me. It was warm and I felt safe in the blanket of steam I had created. I finally stood up and started to wash. Kyle was still in my mind.

The guilt started to build up, I didn't know how to apologize I didn't know what to say or how to fix this. He was my best friend and it wasn't his fault why did I let my stupid fucking anger explode and take it out on him. I shivered as I thought back to it I was blind with rage, by the mere mention of his lips on another person, and when I started hitting him he didn't even try to hit back. It bothered me like he knew I just needed to get out all the things I couldn't say and punching was the only thing I could do, I hated him for that.

His lips on hers... Why does that bother me so much? why the fuck do I feel like this? He's my best friend my favorite person at that I would do anything for him I love him but everyone loves their best friends like this so why does it feel so fucking weird?

Fuck what do I do? It wasn't even his fault I probably just lost my best friend because I hated that he kissed a girl I don't even care about right now.

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