When you have absolutely no control over situations... That you put yourself in

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No one said anything, and I continued to whip my head between Stan and the now-closed door, that Kenny and Butters had just run out of.

"Dude! What the fuck was that?" I asked breaking the heavy silence.

"Stanny boy here decided that he can't be the only one with relationship problems," Eric smirked, "So do you think they're coming back? Are we still good for a sleepover over what the deal here?"

"Wait wait wait... relationship issues? What's fatass talking about? What just happened with Kenny and Butters? and Why do you smell like a bar? Are you fucking real right now?" I huffed suddenly agngery all over again but now it was all at Stan. Why can't you just have normal coping mechanisms? I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to scream, be mad, why was he like this?

"All good questions...." Stan said dumbly his voice quite and seemliy stuck in his throat as he forced out the words. The unfocused look in his eyes almost hidden behind the shiny gleem of tears.

"Stan serisoly what the fuck did you do?" he sniffed and the tears started falling, I pushed him away from me, the smell of cheap booze wafting off him but Stan quickly latched back onto me.

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! you fucking hate me!" Stan gripped onto my arms sinking down to the floor taking me with him.

"God damn drama queens, screw you guys, I'm going upstairs while you homos figure you're shit out," Eric groaned thrudding up the stairs with dramatic thumps.

"Stan what? I don't hate you... I could never dude, you're like my best friend, you're like my other part dude, you're my boyfriend, I love you."

"But I fucked up!" he sobbed out in a high whine before thudding his face into my chest heaving.

"You didn't fuck up..." I gently rubbed his back while his shouldered contained to rise and fall shakily with his ragged heaves.

"I did! I outted you and now you're mad at you're parents and they're mad at you! and Kenny hates me too!" He chocked into my shirt the cries getting louder. I had been here too many times before. Stan sobbing on the floor into my chest, drunkley claiming that he's a fuck up and/or he fucked up and everyone hates him.

"What happened with Kenny?"

"I was- I was mad at him because he was being annoying so I told Butters he liked him, and- god Kyle, I'm a terrible person."

I rubbed his back therapeutically, "Yeah dude that's kind of fucked up, and we've fucking talked about this Stan, drinking isn't a fucking solution. You need to stop."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he muttered out between sobs. We sat there in Cartman's living room, him clenching onto me like if he loosened his grip I'd disappear and I gently rubbed his back sometimes running my fingers threw his hair until his sobbs slowed down, his uneven choppy breathing evening out and like many times before he had drunkenly cried himself to sleep. I stood up on shaking legs having fallen asleep while Stan's body weight was passed into me on the floor stuck in an less then ideal position for who knows how long. I hoisted his limp body up with me, dropping him on the couch. If it wasn't fo the slight groan that escaped his lips you might of thought he was dead, but at last, he shifted to get comfortable, an unpleasant frown plastered on his lips. I made my way upstairs to Cartman's room. The days events finally settling in and I was exhausted, drained from such an eventful day and it was a type of exhaustion that was deep in my bones rooted into my body that sleep wouldn't easily fix.

"Hey? Cartman?" I tapped on his door.

"What's up khoser boy?"

"Stop calling me that would you?" I groaned with annoyance fully opening the door. Eric sat at his desk in front of his computer headset playing World Of Warcraft, it'd been a long while since we all got together and played that game and I smiled at the memories it provoked.

"Sorry, what I meant to say was; Why are you still in my house you stupid grimy jew?"

"Why can't anyone around here ever act fucking normal?" I barrier my face in my hands not wanting to deal with Eric's shit.

Eric snorted, "That's hilarious, really Kyle. Maybe Jews are funny, when has anything about anyone lives in this fucked up town been normal?" Unfortunately, he had a point.

"I'm still here because my boyfriend is passed out on your couch and well both of our parents are being dicks this is..." What I was about to say made my eye twitch as I struggled to say it, "This is the safest place right now." It came out gurgled and quiet not wanting to admit it out loud.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that one more time?" he asked with a smug look.

"You heard what I said, I'm not saying it again, and I never will, don't gloat."

"Oh come on!" he protested.


"Fine, whatever fucking fire crotch," he mumbled.

"For the love of god! Stop with the name-calling! God how old are you fucking nine?!?" I snapped. Eric's only response was a snarky laugh at my expense seeing how upset I got.

"So lover boys staying over obviously, and I guess you are too?"


"Just don't fuck in my house, if not for me think of the children," Eric glared at me.

"The children- the fuck?"

"Mr. Kitty you densce moron."

"God you and that fucking cat," I sighed smiling and Cartman's lips morphed into his own smile.

"So what happened with your mom? I take it shit didn't go well?" it was weird hearing Cartman being concerned. Sure it was hidden under a thick layer of insults and sarcasm but he did genuinely care deep down.

"No, it- uh it didn't. I'm gonna lay low for a couple of days, I turned my phone off sure my parents are probably blowing it up, I kinda stormed out on them after I cussed at them, threw a fucking tantrum, and just yeah..."

"Holy shit... you yelled back? The world is coming to an end! Kyle fucking Broflovski went head to head with the world's biggest bitch!" Eric shouted. I elbowed him in the ribs swiftly.

"Ow! You fucking sneaky ass little bitch boy!"

"Don't call my mom a bitch Cartman!"

"Whatever I do what I want!"

"Shut up!" our yelling quickly turned into sizing each other up and some shoving but we soon lost interest before it could really break out into a fight. Eric and I played some games together upstairs online for a while, it was getting late, and the day just seemed to never end.

"How you heard from Butters?" he asked me.

"No, have you?"

"Why do you think I'm asking you?"

"So I take that as a no?"

"Look at what you're learning," he gave a stupid grin and I flicked him on the forehead.

"So what went down? I didn't get much out of Stan he said something about telling Butters Kenny liked him?"

"Oh yeah, he got all fucked up, yelling you hated him and you know Stan, everything shit and everyone's shit so he has to drag them down to his level."

"oh..." it was all I could muster to say, scratching my brain for any kind of response. "Cartman?"


"Do you think Stan needs help?"

"Pfft, remember the last time you suggested he get help?"

"yeah, he almost knocked my fucking teeth out?"

"He's in denial dude, wait for something to really go to shit before he realizes it's a problem, let him figure it out himself."

"but... isn't that kind of cruel?"

"He littarly beat the shit out of you, no letting his own actions bite him in the ass isn't cruel," Eric responded coolly.

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