How did I get like this? So afraid of everything

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"So where are your parents?" I ask Kyle from his floor. We had been playing around in different positions on either his floor or bed for the past couple of hours being hungover. I was used to the feeling but Kyle was suffering and I laughed a little at his inability to deal with his drinking. The house was quiet and we had just been either watching movies or scrolling on our phones together with no interruptions in his empty silent house.

"Oh yeah my dad's firm got hired for some case in California so they're out of the state, he took my mom with them and planned to make some kind of short vacation. Their going to be good until next week, or at least my mom will be. My dad doesn't know how long the case will take him," he explained. Kyle lay on his bed sprawled out on his stomach with his head hanging off the end of his bed. Last night his hat had come off in his sleep but now it was back to its rightful place. I knew Kyle hated his hair but I thought his curls were brilliantly beautiful the color of his auburn hair was breathtakingly bright. Kyle was one of the most beautiful people I knew.

"Isn't your sister in some dumb art school in Calli?" he asked interrupting my staring. He wasn't facing me and was unable to see the slight warmth that had spread across my face thinking how beautiful he was.

"Oh yeah, my mom's out with too," I said sadly.

"Oh cool! How is Shelly?"

"She's happy to be out of South Park, she really hated it here man," I'm such a fucking mood killer,

"How long is your mom going to be visiting her for?" I sharply inhaled and hesitated before responding.

"Yeah well, she's not really visiting," Kyle turned to me and I could see his face drop, "I think she was just using that as an excuse to get out of South Park, 'visiting' but she left Kyle, she's gone and," I could feel a lump forming in my throat, "I don't know when she's coming back, I don't think she is." I continued. Kyle got up from his bed and came over to sit with me on the floor, we were both cross-legged facing each other, I can't find the right words to describe that green of your eyes, I thought deeply looking into them. He had light freckles across his nose and I smiled a little at him.

"Shit Stan! Im so sorry dude, when did she leave? Like I know that your parents weren't together but I didn't know she like left," he held my hand.

"Last week," I said quietly now trying to avoid looking at him.

"Oh my god Stan I'm so sorry," he said in a hushed voice, one that would be used to console a small child.

"It's okay I guess, I mean it was going to happen anyway," I shurged laying back on the floor staring at Kyles ceiling. He laided back on the floor with me slightly resting his head on my chest.

"Dude its not 'okay' it fucking sucks," he said close to a whisper.

"Yeah it really fucking sucks Kyle , everything just went to shit so fast," before I realized it, I started ranting about everything. Kyle listned quietly and all the internal rage that was built up slowly came out. It felt was it was hours worth of ranting and it could have been I wasn't sure. At some point I had wrapped my arm around Kyle while he listened carefully.

"Oh sorry," I pulled my arm back and he gave me a confused look, "You just kinda looked uncomfortable,"

"No, I wasn't it's fine," he smiled at me, I slightly missed holding Kyle in my arm, it felt so right but also weird because that was the way I'd hold wendy while she listened to my bullshit. I must have done it subconsiuoley out of habit and to not be rude Kyle just went with it like it did.

"Dude your way too nice," I said.

"What?" he laughed, "What do you want me to do act like Cartman?" We both laughed at this.

"I didn't mean to like ruin the mood with all my meaningless bullshit, and you just let me go on."

"It's not meaningless Stan I really care about you dude, your life is important to me and even if it's a 'mood killer' I'm always going to listen to what you have to say. I know I yelled at you the other day about moping around and I'm really sorry about that-"

"Dude you ARE too nice I was being a massive dick and now you're apologizing even though I was wrong," I Cut him off. "And jeez maybe you should spend a little more time with Cartman, your habits can rub off on each other maybe," we laughed a little bit then the air between us went flat.

"You had a lot of shit going on, even though I was right I shouldn't have been such an asshole to you,"

"Kyle, dude, I love you but shut the fuck up before I punch you again, for being too nice," I laughed but Kyle didn't. I looked at him and the look on his face was sullen. "Shit too soon huh?" Fucking idiot yeah it's too soon his eye is still black. It was awkward between us, Kyle and I had fought before but it was never like this. He sighed and sat up now looking down at me.

"It's not that like, I'm really all that upset that you hit me and shit but that you didn't tell me anything before, you didn't call me or text me or even try to come see me after you fucking beat the shit out of me Stan," he sighed and I could here the uneven tone in his voice.

"Kyle you should be mad I hit you!"

"No I'm mad because let's face it we're not super best friends anymore," I broke at those words, "Were just more like best friends, I watched as we got further apart and you kinda replaced me with Kenny," I sat up to face call and cupped his face in my hands, his cheeks were warm and his face flushed.

"I know Kyle, we aren't like we used to be. I miss you Kyle and I didn't replace you, I can't replace you. It's just that you pulled away from everyone."

"I'm sorry," he whispered pulling away from my hands, "Stan I feel so weird, everything feels so fucking wrong," he was crying.

"I'm always here Kyle don't think this is one way, your life is important to me too. Everything everywhere all the time is so fucked up," we leaned close to one another, our foreheads almost touching, " I want it to go back to normal." Kyle's breath was warm on my lips we were so close together, his perfect lips were close to mine. he looks like he would taste like vanilla his lips are so perfectly plump, I bet they're so soft. I realized in horror, both our faces were horribly red. I quickly let him go and backed away.

"Yeah I want it to go back to normal too," he said between what seemed like gritted teeth slurring the words as he spoke. His face had gone to a lighter red now. What the fuck is happening to me?

"Dude," he laughed. "That was really super gay," we both started laughing. I didn't know why I felt like this with Kyle. For our entire lives we'd been best friends but recently I felt different about him it was like the way I felt with Wendy but he was a boy.

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