I will adress the issues I cannot ignore

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Stan kept looking at me and frowning, his eyes were tired and the bags underneath them were darker now. His gaze seemed far off and some type of jealousy would wash over his face but only when he looked over at me. I tried to act like I didn't notice his staring and I tried to act like it didn't bother me either, but it did. The intent behind his stare and how long his eyes would follow me, he looked a thousand miles away but he was here trailing every movement with his eyes.

It was late in the afternoon now, and hot and I was starting to sweat under my green hat but didn't even think about taking it off. It'd been the same hat since fourth grade and the world didn't feel right without it. I used it like a shield from the world, to hide my face of embarrassment, cover up my messy curls, and it provided a general sense of comfort. Stan had a similar deal with his hat, the same beanie since the beginning of time it felt like, unlike me, he usually slept with his still on as well.

Kenny, Stan, and I sat around the rocky shore of the lake in silence. Kenny was more sprawled out on top laying on his back on top of his zip-up rather than sitting. His shirt slightly lifted and he had pulled out a pair of sunglasses he now wore over his eyes and he basked in the sun.  He had rolled up his pants and taken off his shoes and socks earlier when he had tried to convince Stan and I to go swimming with him. He stood in water up to his mid-calf and kicked at us, giving up when he realized neither of us was going to give in.

Stan dug around in the rocks with a stick pushing around pebbles and dirt mindlessly now with his knees tucked into his chest. My head still hurt and the sunlight made my eyes hurt. I sat with my legs straight out in front of me a fishing pole in hand. My line started to move and slowly I began to reel it in.  It was quiet and I hated sitting there like that but I didn't know how to break the silence. When I finally got my line fully reeled in there wasn't anything left on the hook. I got ready to recast when the problem of breaking the silence found a solution.

A rock the size of a baseball flew overhead and landed in the lake making a large splash. Stan and Kenny both snapped their attention to the ripples of where the rock had entered the water then looked to the direction it came from.

"Goddamn it missed 'em" Eric huffed coming out from the brush.

"Eat shit," I said not looking back. The sound of Eric's steps grew closer followed by lighter steps

"Shut up Jew!" Eric snapped, "Jesus it took forever to find you guys. Me and Butters had no clue where you losers went and I guess none of you have ever heard of answering a text before? Huh?" Eric huffed again.

"Hey ya fellas!"

"Hey, Butters," Stan Kenny and I all said together.

"Wow, you fellas seem like you could use some cheering up" Butters smiled. He had taken a seat next to me after I had laid my rod down.

"No me little B," Kenny replied, still laying out on his back, "Stans depressed and Kyles hungover, but me? I king of the world"

"Pfft Stan's always depressed what's new?" Eric snickered.

"Shut up Cartman your fat and no one likes you," Stan said dully throwing the stick he was messing with at Cartman.

"Well, what's wrong Stan?" Butters asked leaning over towards him.

"Wendy and I broke up. We're over, over now"

"Awe buck up Stan it'll get better it always does" Butters chimed gleefully.

"Thanks, Butters, but your wrong she said we should see other people and everything, I can't win her back this time. Some bullshit about her ' individuality' or some bullshit"

"Oh well.." Butters trailed off.

"Just drop it," I said. I had focused my gaze out onto the lake's horizon line.

"Hey Kyle I'm sorry your like on your period or something but don't make that our problem" Eric snickered at me.

"Sorry, I just don't want to listen to any more of Stan's self-loathing and wallowing."

"Kyle what's your problem?!?" Stan snapped at me, my face got kind of hot and I pulled my hat down a little bit.

"Nothing. Never mind forget it."

"No serious why are you all of the sudden acting like a girl" he pressed further.

"All day, you've cried about Wendy and I've sat here with Kenny and listened to it but Stan this shit happens all the time to you guys!" I raised my breath and I felt the anger rise in my throat I hated Wendy raising my voice I went on,

 "She breaks up with you and then like three days later your back together! You always end up back together and it's just the same old shit on repeat, pardon me for getting annoyed at how repetitive this is getting" I balled my hands into fists after dramatically waving my hands around. I didn't know why I got so angry but I meant everything I said. I was tired of this same old routine. I was always there for Stan and for his sake I hoped it really was over but I knew it wouldn't be just like all the times before. I juts wanted her to go away and stay out of my life entirely but especially stay out of Stan's life, she was always fucking things up between us but I had it this was my last straw with that bitch.

"You know what? Go fuck yourself"

"Come on Kenny let's go!"

"Why'd you bring me into this??" he responded started.

"URGH!" I gave them all the finger before I stormed off. Uggh! Fuck those dudes and fuck Wendy! How can she do that to us!... us? Stan, how could she keep doing this to Stan!

The Sun and The Moon (south park stanxkyle)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora