Maybe it's the last time for you but it's not the last time for me

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Thanks to Ike, I felt like I was forced to tell Stan I was gay. I was terrified to have it out there for him to know but also heavily relieved now that, somehow freer. I didn't know why but it was almost like I didn't want Stan to know. I was so afraid to lose him. I felt like our friendship was so deep and unbreakable but also still so fragile, if I did the wrong thing now it could destroy everything. I loved Stan but if I let any indication that it was more than platonic I thought I could lose him. I was terrified to lose him to anything, let alone my own doing. Stan was my whole life. He had been there for everything. I watched as Stan started to get ready for bed. I asked him to stay because I felt like if he left my secret was leaving too so I wanted to keep it a little bit longer.

Since Stan wasn't planning on staying I gave him a shirt of mine to sleep in and watched as he took off his shirt replacing it with mine making my heart jump to my throat. Stan and I were similar in height but I still had a couple of inches on him. We were both decently skinny but he had more muscle and I had more belly fat. His hands felt weird in mine when I occasionally held them, I had long slender fingers which my mom called 'piano hands', while Stan's were rouht and calloused he had thick fingers and his plans were larger than mine. The shirt I gave him was old and clung a bit to his broad chest, it was a bit long and hung loosely over his stomach. I felt weird watching him change, I always had but now epically.

Stan usually slept in a t-shirt and his underwear or just his underwear but since it wasn't quite time for bed I gave him some basketball shorts as well that he had to pull the drawstring tight to keep them up due to the difference in waist sizes, his being smaller than mine. I like seeing Stan wear my clothes.

"Want to play PS4 or something for a while?" he asked joining me sitting on the bed.

"Yeah sure, what did you have in mind."

"I don't know let me look at what you have again?"

"Stan we have basically the same games and have had the same games since elementary school, you always say you need to look but you always end up picking Apex so cut the crap," I teased.

"Yeah I guess your right," he laughed, "I know every game you have but I like the idea of looking, you know just in case I'm in the mood for something different," he justified sarcastically.

"shut up you're full of it" I punched him in the shoulder before getting ready to play. He smiled at me.

"Prepare to loose," he smirked. We played for a couple hours until I looked at the time and realized we'd actually been playing close to 4 hours.

"Wow time really flies where your kicking your best friends ass," Stan smuggly remarked.

"shut up I littarely only own this game because you like to play it with me," I said with a pout.

"Maybe you should play it more to keep up ," he laughed and I laughed with him. His laugh was contaocouis and over the last couple of years it had started to become rare. I savored the sound when I heard it, it seemed he only really was happy when we were together. I smacked him up side the head jokingly for being a smart ass.

"Yeah what ever, I'm going to go wash my face and brush my teeth, I suggest you do the same, we still have your toothbrush here," I said getting up.

"You still have my tooth brush?"

"Yeah, remeber my mom bought you one last summer since you basically were living here and she was tired of sealing with your rank morning breath," I joked. I slightly hurt inside since over the last year stan and I were growing apart but now everything started to feel normal.

"Shut up," he grinned at me, "because yes your moring breath is the most fresh amazing smelling thing ever," he said rolling his eyes. we left my room and walked across the hallway to the bathroom. I removed my hat and put on a head band to pull my hair back while I washed my face. Stan gave me a funny look.

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