Hey man I love you but no fucking way

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The fire had started to die down a while ago. At some point, the music changed from rock to something softer. I looked around, Eric had gone home, Tweek was asleep on Craig's lap who was also sleeping in a lawn chair, and Butters and Kenny were sleeping too. They had kind of cuddled up together, Butters was curled into the fetal position and Kenny was next to him on the ground with his arm over Butters and his orange zip-up over both of them. I laughed a little bit.

Together we had finished off most of the beers in the cooler I had but there was still a couple left. I cracked one open and took a sip leaning my head back to look up at the stars. Kyle's head snapped towards me when he hurt me open the can. He had been sitting by the dying fire lighting sticks on fire and putting them out. He hadn't seemed to be as into the mode as everyone else was. He was laughing and dancing with us but I'd catch him looking at me with a sort of sad look.

"Are you sure you should be drinking that?" I gave him a puzzled look, since when did he care how much I drank?

"Well it's just- I talked to Wendy today," he responded to my look. I got up and sat next to him in the grass.

"Why'd you do that?"

"She came to my house," he wasn't looking at me but I was staring at him.

"She came to your house?! Why!" He didn't say anything for a minute until he turned to look at me finally. In the very little light, I had to see him in I couldn't help but think how pretty his eyes were.

"She's worried about you and this," he gestured around him and finally to me.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"She thinks you need like rehab or something, and I told her she was wrong because it's not like you're a drunk, you're- you aren't.. like, doing anything bad," he stuttered a little unable to hold eye contact. "But Stan this tonight was the happiest I've seen you in a while, and it made me think are you only this happy because you're drunk? I had a beer or two so did everyone else but you had like five!" He continued on. He was getting more upset and anxious. He put his finger up to his mouth and bit at the skin.

"I'm not an alcoholic Kyle! I'm fine! So what if I drank more than you? It's not any kind of problem man," I was getting upset now, I looked away staring deeply into the shining embers they were a similar shade to Kyle's hair.

"I know that's what I said, but maybe it's not normal for any of us to drink the way we do," he paused for a second, "or smoke, and I mean smoking anything." I watched him continue to bite at his fingertips.

"Unbelievable," I huffed we both were looking straight ahead as he turned away from me.

"Look I just wanted to say something about it, Wendy was all freaked out. It was all so weird she like yelling at me then I thought she was gonna slap me but instead she kissed me and was acting all weird!"

I grabbed him by his shirt and forced him to face me, "You kissed Wendy?" A bubble of rage built in my throat and I could see him start to panic. "You fucking kissed Wendy!" I yelled. Kyle's silence was the only answer I needed. I started to get up when he reached out for me. I was starting to feel hot, I needed to get away, my face was burning and I started sweating. I needed to leave. My breathing picked up now.

"Wait! Stan," he called after me clumsily getting back to his feet, "she kissed me! I didn't want it!"

I whipped my body around to Kyle, "But it still happened and you didn't stop her!" I needed to escape.

"Your my best friend Stan! I wouldn't!" We were yelling and I knew people were no longer asleep but I didn't care. I was so unbelievably angry, the rage had built up and was starting to boil over now. It wasn't his place to say anything about my drinking habits he didn't have the right especially since there was no problem. It made me feel even worse that Wendy had put him up to this. I thought then about him kissing her. His lips and hers together. His lips.. on someone else. his lips. Kyle was talking I could see his lips moving but I couldn't hear any sounds.

Before I knew what I was doing, my fist was connecting to Kyles's nose. I flung myself at him, and fist after fist hit him. I was on top of him now hitting his face chest and the arms he'd raised to try and defend himself. He only held his forearms in front of his face and made no attempts to fight back. With each blow I thought about how he wore Kenny's clothes and how his lips had been on Wendy's, those thoughts fueled my rage. I was flying off the handle and I couldn't stop it was like I was trapped inside my own body watching as someone else controlled my movements

I heard yelling behind us but couldn't focus on any of the words. I could hear my own voice but I didn't know what words were coming out.

A couple of different arms wrapped around my waist and pulled at me. I struggled against them and flailed my arms and legs backward occasionally hitting something.

"Calm down Stan! What the fuck!" Kenny and Craig were holding me down. Kenny had pinned my arms down with my head on his lap while Craig held my legs down. I tried to fight free of their hold but couldn't. I realized I was screaming,

"I HATE YOU!" Over and over again. Kyle was being sat upright by Butters and Tweek, I watched as they walked away with him. My hands were wet and sticky with Kyles's blood all over my knuckles and some of my own. I stopped struggling as much and my screaming turned into a pleading type of cry to be let go I was tired now and didn't have the energy to fight anymore. I watched the three boys walk off until I couldn't see them in the dark anymore and I felt the grip on me loosen.

I lay on the ground, Kenny held my head softly telling me to count and breathe trying to calm me down. Craig gave me a concerned look trying to help Kenny calm e down but was waved off by Ken. He had disappeared and now it was just Kenny and me alone in the yard I started to cry again, hard sobs that I normally wouldn't let out with anyone around, but I couldn't stop. I was struggling to breathe heaving all the air out of my lungs in cries that turned into screams of pain and heartbreak.

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