The pastor says I'm good but Jesus Christ I'm never good.

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I opened my eyes to the bright red curls of my boyfriend in my arms. I inhaled deeply breathing in the vanilla scent and a vague smell of cigarettes lingering from my clothes. I nuzzled my head into his neck and closed my eyes. Kyle groaned in his sleep and trashed in his sleep. I looked outside and it was still dark out. I let go of Kyle and searched through my sheets to find my phone, it was 3 am. He tossed back and I watched as he slept but he didn't look peaceful. His face was scrunched tightly and his brow furrowed. He groaned again and grimaced. I pulled my sweet boy closer to me and he started to mumble things I couldn't make out. I held his head into my shoulder twisting one of his soft curls around my fingers.

"I love you, Kyle, I love you to the moon and back," I whispered in his ear continuing to play with his unbelievably soft hair. I listened to the peaceful rhythm of his breathing and kissed his neck sweetly. I had so much love for this boy and now more than ever I wanted him to know it. He looked so perfect and amazingly beautiful in his sleep. I watched as his face contained to grimace making him look distressed but still perfect in every way. I kissed him again, I didn't know if he could tell but I wanted to to know I was here for him. The dim lighting from the moon outside outlined the features of his face and there was a perfect cast of moonlight across his nose, highlighting his faint freckles.

"S-stan?" he mumbled in a groggy voice that made my heart skip a beat. He's so cute when he's half awake. His eyes snapped open with tears in them. "Stan!" his breathing was quick and rapid. I sat up alarmed by his panic and Kyle quickly wrapped his arms around my neck sobbing.

"Kyle? Honey, what's wrong?" I said trying to sound calm not wanting him to pick up on my panic and hugged him back tightly. I gently pressed his face into my bare shoulder enjoying the warmth of his face against my skin.

"Stan it was terrible!" he sobbed into my shoulder.

"what was terrible?" I asked softly.

"I had- I had a n-nightmare, and- and, you- you were there and- and- Kenny! And the truck!" he was cut off by quick sobs.

"Shhh.. It's okay sweetheart, I'm right here," I rubbed my hand in circles around his back. "You're safe here," I cooed into his hair.

"Y-you, you were gone! And Kenny was dead- there was blood- it was everywhere there was so much!" He cried out.

He looked with red puffy eyes and tear still streaming down his face. I kissed him all around his face trying my best to kiss every single part of it. He sniffled looking at me with his shinny eyes, while I held his face looking into his eyes with extreme hurt. I felt so useless right now.

"I'm not going to leave, I'm right here I promise I'm not going anywhere," he gripped onto my tightly again.

"Ky? Honey? do you think you can go back to sleep?" he nodded at me now as he started to calm down. We laid back down and I put my head over Kyle's chest listing to his rapid heartbeat. He wrapped his arm around me tightly.

"I love you so much Kyle, I love you so much," I whispered into the dark.

"I love you too Stan, please never leave, I can't do it without you," he yawned.

'I'm always going to be here," I responded sweetly, his grip on me loosened slightly and I listened as his breathing slipped back into a soft sleepy rhythm and his heartbeat returned to normal. I frowned as I thought about how scared he'd been. His dream must have been terrifying and I felt the need to protect him more than ever. I felt so helpless as I lay on his chest for how scared he had been and how I couldn't do anything for him. I couldn't get back to sleep instead I just watched now as Kyle slept peacefully hypnotized but the shallow rise and fall of his chest. Closing my eyes I tried to get some more sleep and drifted off to the sound of Kyle's heartbeat.

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