I don't care if you're not sorry, I forgive you.

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The door slammed behind us and Butters let out a frustrated grunt.

"All day Kyle! All day!" he huffed.

"Did you try feeding him? He's like a child and gets all mean when he hasn't been fed in a while. He said he was tired too so that's like a setup for some kind of tantrum," I awkwardly laughed, half joking. 

"Kyle don't be making excuses for him, just being an asshole."

"I don't know dude, things are probably bad at home, cut him some slack?"

"No, because things are always bad at home but he never takes it out on any of us! Ever since I told him about Red he's been acting weird, Did I do something? Is he mad at me?" Butters sighed and I tried my best to process and find an answer. It was what I did, solved problems and fixed them, Butters had done it for me now it was my turn. I put my hand on his back in a reassuring way.

"I doubt he's mad at you Butters, I don't think Kenny has a bone in his body that could ever hold anything against you, he loves you too much," I smiled and Butters smiled back.

"I know you guys all love me, Ken especially I just don't understand, it's like he feels threatened?"

"Maybe he does," I suggest with a shrug.

"Well, why would he feel threatened?"

"Maybe he's scared, you're his best friend and probably the person he spends the most time with. He has other friends, but they aren't you and you're special Butters and everyone has someone, like Craig has Tweek, they only really hang out when he wants to smoke, Stan and I have each other, and... maybe he feels like if you have some girl, you won't have time for him. He feels like he's losing you. He feels like he'll be alone and it's breaking him to see it. He feels like you're slipping threw his fingers and all he can do is watch, no amount of substances can take his mind off how much it hurts to see someone so close to him, with someone else."


"What?" Butters looked at me with soft eyes and put a hand on my face in a comforting way. Everything I had just said, every feeling, was too formiallar something I've lived through already. It all came from somewhere deep in my subconscious projecting it onto the current situation.

"I didn't know, I mean, that sounds awfully experienced-"

"No no, dude, ignore me, I'm just probably reading into it too much," I swallowed hard.

"Maybe he does feel threatened tho," Butterds said quietly rubbing his knuckles together in an anxious manner, something he'd done since childhood. "I'm sorry Kyle."

"Dude, why are you sorry?"

"I dunno, force of habit I guess," he explained still anxiously rubbing his knuckles together.

"He'll come around dude, Kenny always bounces back, he's just having an off day I bet," I rubbed Butters's shoulder in a reassuring way.

"Well, I still feel bad."

"Don't Butters, you're right anyway, he shouldn't have snapped at you. It's not you're fault and he's kind of being an asshole."

"Not if he feels like I'm trying to replace him, I'd snap at him if the roles were reversed."

"Kenny should have talked to you though rather than yelling."

"Kyle please, we all know Kenny is bad at feelings." I thought about it and he really was. He had a lot of trouble communicating and expressing feelings probably due to his family and home life. He had a tendency to keep everything bottled up until he boiled over, snapping and making an ugly scene. None of us were really good at anything emotional in all honestly it was like a group flaw, we all had moments like Kenny just had, but we always ended up making up and acting lke it never happened.

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