Lord knows I'm stuck between two good things But I just want to get out

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It had only been a couple of hours since Stan had dropped me off but I weirdly missed him, the way his hand fit perfectly into mine and his slightly chapped lips against mine. I was alone for the first time it felt like in a while. My family was glad to have me back home for a little while, especially my mother seeming pleased I picked up on her hint to have some time without my friends. We ate dinner together and I helped my dad do the dishes.

"So Kyle? I haven't really seen you that much lately, always running off," he chuckled.

"Well it's summer break isn't that what I'm supposed to do?"

"Well yeah it is your just being a kid," he smiled giving me an awkward side hug. "Still since your mom and I got back I haven't really had a chance to catch up with you buddy. How are things going?"

"Pretty good, Stan's been sating over a lot or I've been staying with him, it's nice we haven't hung out like this in a while."

"I see you haven't gotten into any more fights." he said scanning my face.

"Oh yeah that was just over something stupid, it's all okay now," I quickly returned to the dish I was washing.

"Ever going to tell me what that whole mess was about?"

"Dad really it's nothing, it was some stupid fight and it's not going to happen again."

"I hope not Kyle violence is never the answer and I hope you should know that," my dad said sternly. "How is Stan by the way? You boys were also attached at the hip and then weren't."

"Stan's really good! Yeah, we kind of had a weird phase going into high school and whatnot but now we're back together better than before," I laughed to myself. Not only are we back together, but we are also together together.

"Well that's good, I'm glad to hear it! Stan's always been such a great kid," my dad smiled fondly. I started to wonder what my parents would think when I eventually told them that Stan and I were more than friends. I thought back to how in elementary school, our dad had told us that we needed to be less friendly with each other. Stan and I had always been close and super touchy, we would intertwine our pinkies for comfort, and there were frequent hugs and even hand-holding. Our dads warned us how people might think we were 'funny' with each other or 'swinging for the same team.' Ironic now. After some time downstairs with my family watching Tv, talking, and enjoying each other's company I retreated back to my room as it started to get late and prepared for bed.

My bed felt much bigger, more empty, and less warm without Stan in it. Before, I always missed Stan when he wasn't around but this was a new type of missing him, I wasn't just missing my best friend I was missing my boyfriend. For some reason, the word still gave me chills. I never saw myself describing Stan as my boyfriend. I never saw myself in general having a boyfriend. I smiled at the way the word made me feel, a warmth spreading across my chest thinking about it over and over again. I have a boyfriend and my boyfriend is Stan Marsh. I giggled like some kind of middle school girl.

My phone started ringing, and I looked to see Stan's name scrolling across my screen, his contact picture one I had taken several years ago that I had been lucky enough to get in time as he was being hit in the face by a frisbee. When I had taken the picture, we were at the park and he had been throwing a frisbee around with Toilken. At that moment I thought he looked so breathtakingly beautiful so I want to remember that moment and pulled up my phone to take a picture. Stan noticed out of the corner of his eye what I was doing and turned to face me right as Toilken had thrown the frisbee. I snapped the picture before he could ask what I was doing and right at that moment, the frisbees connected to the side of his face. I couldn't help but giggle at the picture before answering his call.

"K-ky?" he said in a slurred hushed voice. My heart slightly fluttered hearing his voice.

"Hey are you okay? What's up?"

"I just- I love you s- so - s'much," his words were slurred together and the fluttering of my heart stopped and it sunk.

"Stan are you drunk right now?"

"But I- Love you," he hiccuped. "I- love you to t-the m-m-moon and back."

"Stan, I love you too but seriously what the fuck?"

"Ky- I love you, I just wanted to hear your voice Ky."

"Well you heard it," I said annoyed, "Go to bed talk to me when your sober, goodbye."

"No! Ky please I need you!" he protested before I could hang up.

"Stan I don't like it when you drink it solves nothing!"

"But I need to tell you- tell y-you what's wrong, cuz you said, you wanted me to tell you."

"Yeah Stan, I wanted you to tell me instead and not get fucked up."

"Kyle, my sweet sweet redhead boy with the pretty pretty hair, it's so pretty baby."

"Stan I'm going to hang up the phone now, I'll talk to you when you're sober."

"My mom's gone," he blurted out.

"Yes, Stan I know."

"No you don't she's never coming back," he sniffled on the other end of the phone line.

"What?" I asked softly.

"She's gone, not coming back she wants to stay with FUCKING SHELLY!" he screamed the last part. I dropped my annoyance and now felt bad wanting nothing more but to confront him.

"Stan, Im so fucking sorry dude." It was all I could think to say.

"Ky please don't leave me, not ever." His voice was soft and quiet he yawned like the screaming had tired him out. He sounded so vulnerable and soft, he was just a kid again.

"Not ever Stan." The line went silent and I got a bit worried.

"Kyle, I'm not ever going to leave you," he finally said. "I don't ever want to lose you Ky, you are the center of my solar system Ky. You hear that?"

"Yes, Stan I do."

"You're the everything in my nothing." He yawned again and the line went quiet again this time longer and I figure he had probably tired himself out and passed out. As much as I hated it when Stan would drink and even more so call me drunk or drunk text me it was hard to be upset with him. At least he told me what was wrong and he wrapped it up with all those sweet things, I can't be mad at that.

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