You say I'm changing, sorry I did not stay the same

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Kyle made me get up because he heard my dad come home, and yes he was home but when I crept downstairs I noticed he was passed out on the couch, so as I had protested it didn't really matter if I got up to look presentable or not he'd never notice a difference.

"Dude he's passed out cold," I yelled up the stairs. Kyle came downstairs not wanting to bother my dad but I initiated it would be fine he crept down the stairs quietly. "Ky, you're not going to wake him up I swear," I laughed in spite of myself, it was sweet how caring and careful he was trying to be. Kyle told me he was hungry so I told him I'd make us some breakfast and by making something that probably meant putting something in the toaster.

"So as expected..." I said opening the cabinets, "We have no food, theres some granola bars, pop tarts, and cereal I don't remember the last time we bought so it's probably stale." Kyle frowned at our lack of food options, I wasn't one to eat a lot and he knew it. In middle school, Kyle suspected I had some kind of eating disorder when in reality it was just the medications I was on that made me not want to eat. My dad mostly went out to eat without me and since food shopping was something my mom did, it hadn't really been done since she left. Kyle was always urging me to eat still even if I didn't feel like it, he didn't care it was cute how he worried about me.

It didn't bother me not having much food other than snacks and frozen junk I preferred to drink my calories anyway. Back when Kyle thought I had some kind of eating disorder he'd always bring me some kind of stupid nutrition shakes and I wasn't opposed to drinking them, drinking was a lot easier than eating, and along with my medication and the amount of alcohol, I drank I didn't really feel like I needed or wanted to eat. Kenny understood it, he also hated to eat he felt like he shouldn't eat until everyone else in the house did, always giving his portions of dinner to his brother or sister when he was getting high with Craig it was Craig who always provided the snacks and only then would Kenny indulge himself.

"How about some peanut butter toast?" Kyle suggested

"Yeah that's doable," I smiled at him. Peanut butter was a stable on my house something we always had on hand and there was still a loaf of Bread in the cabinet I put the bread slices in the toaster and Kyle got some plates out of the cabinet, struggling a bit with the clinking dishes accidentally setting them down heavily making a loud sound of the ceramic plates against the countertops. He looked horrified at the loud sounds and I just brushed it off.

"Stan? Is that you fucking around in there?" My dad called out in a half-awake voice and I hear Kyle curse under his breath.

"Yeah, I'm making breakfast... or brunch I guess," I said looking at the clock.

"Jesus keep it down my head is killing me," he responded back with a groan. Kyle sucked in his breath looking worried but I mouthed to him, It's fine he's being dramatic. Heavy footsteps led my disheveled father into the kitchen doorway.

"Oh, hey Kyle... You're here, again," he said narrowing his eyes and looking almost annoyed.

"Hello, Mr. Marsh," Kyle waved politely. My dad just grunted and turned to me.

"You know, people are going to start to think things about you boys."

"Think things?"I echoed.

"Yeah, you know like your funny with each otter the way you're constantly with each other and people are going to start talking Stanley," he shrugged continuing on with his explanation.

"Dad, what the fuck?"

"I just don't want people thinking you boys are... how should I put this?" he paused to think, "I don't want people thinking your playing for the team you know?" I looked at Kyle who looked horrified and was red in the face

Kyle leaned in close to my ear, "Stan I think I'm going to go upstairs." I nodded and he gave me a last fearful look before disappearing out of sight. Once Kyle was gone my dad continued what he was saying.

"Stan, you know I let it go when you boys were younger but not it's just weird, it was better when you boys were around each other less it looked less faggy," he said so casually it made my blood boil.


"No Stan you need to hear this," he said calmly. "I'd expect it out of the Brovfloski boy I mean he's always been kind of soft but if you keep up this attached at-the-hip bullshit-"

"Leave Kyle out of this Dad!"

"See? There you go again defending your queero boyfriend!" My dad grunted out in frustration.

"And what if he is?!" I spat back angrily.

"What?" his voice was low.

"You fucking hear me, Randy, what if?" I said between gritted teeth.

"No Stan there's no what-if, your just confused," he said angrily.

"No, I'm not dad!"

"No you are confused Stan we all feel like this about our best friends at some point but you grow out of it! What happened to that nice girl you were dating?"

"No Dad I'm not growing out of this feeling, goddamn it I was confused because of that girl but I'm not anymore because this boy helped me figure my shit all out!"

"You don't like boys Stanrly that fag just has you thinking you do!"

"You're right I like one boy and don't you dare fucking call him or me a fucking fag again!" I yelled angrily I was done with his bullshit I wasn't going to stand here any longer and take it. I push passed him into the living room, Kyle was sitting on the stairs teary-eyed.

"Common Ky, get your stuff we're leaving," I said ushering him upstairs. Once we were in my bedroom I closed the door and Kyle wrapped two lanky arms around my neck and buried his face into my shoulder. "I'm sorry Kyle I really fucking am, you shouldn't have to hear any of that shit," I said hugging him back.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled into my shoulder. I put my hands on his shoulders pushing him away a little so he could look me in the eyes.

"Don't ever apologize for that Kyle it's not your fault, " I said sternly he gave me a simple nod, I gave him a light kiss on the forehead and started wiping at his eyes with the backs of his hands. Both of us quickly grabbed the things we needed before going back downstairs without fingers interlocking with each other meeting my dad by the door.

"Stan we need to talk about this I'm not going to have some fairy for a son!"

"Too late Dad!" I yelled pushing past him. I texted Kenny to see where he was and he replied by telling me that he was at Cartman's house with Butters and Red. I raised an eyebrow that Red was there but still sped walked down the road with Kyle in tow. My fists were tightened tightly with my nails digging into my palms I was fuming, I needed a smoke hopefully Kenny would have some.

"Stan? Where are we going?" Kyle pulled me from my thoughts with the rage building inside my chest.


"What? Why?" Kyle sounded visibly disgusted reasonably so.

"Butters is there so is Kenny," I responded cooly, I was angry still and trying my best to not let it come out the last thing I needed was to snap at Kyle.

"Oh okay cool," he said we walked to Cartman's palace in a comfortable silence, it was comfortable with neither of us being able to really say anything to each other, I could tell he was hurting and I was in a rage.

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