kick me in the face please, it'll make whatever I say sound like poetry

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I was so confused, I had some many feelings and I couldn't place any one them. The way I felt when I was with Kyle was similar to the way Wendy made me feel only better, but he was a boy. Cartman calling us super boyfriends made him so mad but I kind of liked the idea, it hurt knowing how upset Kyle had gotten because of it. When he told me he loved me it felt different than I had before I couldn't tell why and this morning I woke up with him in my arms his sweet vanilla smell it all felt so right.  My head was swimming now. It was like my nerves were on fire anytime Kyle was around. I had so many different emotions and it all felt so wrong and right at the time. It was all good and all bad I was so fucking confused.

I started walking to the only place I knew I could find the help I needed. I held my breath while I waited for an answer after knocking on the door. When Tweek opened the door I felt slightly relieved.

"Okay good your both here I need your help," I pushed past Tweek, grabbing his hand before grabbing Craig in my other hand dragging them both upstairs to Craig's room. I shut the door and locked it.

"Hey Stan we like you and all but not like that keep it in your pants," Craig laughed.

"Suck my dick Craig, this is important and I don't want anyone to know," I retorted back

"again Stan I'm flattered but the only dick I'll be sucking is my boyfriend's,"

"GAK! CRAIG DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT TO PEOPLE!" Tweek yelled. Craig gave Tweek a kiss on the forehead while he tugged at his hair.

"So what's so important that you had to barge into my house and drag us upstairs and lock us in my room? " Craig asked while he took Tweek's hand out of his hair and interlaced their fingers. "Usually I wouldn't mind being locked in my room with Tweek-"
"CRAIG!" Tweek screeched, " but Y-yeah dude you're freaking me out!" Tweek twitched.

'"How did you know you were gay?" I asked them in response I got a dumbfounded look.

"Do you have brain damage?" Craig asked.

"I'm serious how did you know you were gay?" I asked again.

"W-well those Asin girls kept drawing us as gay remember? Ack!" Tweek asked

"Yeah but like what part of that did you realize you were actually gay and not because people told you?"

"It- it was when Craig made me believe in my-myself gack! He gave me a type of confidence I never had before. I was able to do things I thought were too much pressure just because he believed in me! He supported me and and made me feel important!" Tweek said through a variety of twitches and vocal ticks.

"Aw thanks, babe," Craig responded kissing Tweek.

"That's it? Just because you guys make each other feel confident?" I asked dumbfounded.

"It's more than that Stan," Craig said as he rested his head on Tweek's shoulder. "It's like when that person is always on your mind, all you do is think about them day and night, you lay away awake thinking about them and wish you could be talking to them all the time." I watched the admiration grow in Craig's eyes while he looked at Tweek speaking.

"Suddenly your whole day is about this one person, you can't wait to see them next waiting for the next time you can see them and want to tell them everything you think. When your not with this person you think about how much you miss them.  You look at this person in a way you've never done before. You look at them and stop...  and he's just, he completes you. You can't stop thinking about how beautiful they are, how lucky you are to be so close to them, this person is YOUR person,"  Craig stopped. Tweek grabbed his face and kissed him deeply on the lips. Craig ran his fingers through Tweek's hair as they pulled each other closer.

"hey, can you guys like not fuck each other while I'm here?" I interrupted and they both looked very flustered. "And guys isn't that just really good friendship?"

"Stan, if you think that's friendship your super fucking gay," Craig said before kissing again. "Now get the fuck out of my house," he said flipping me off. I quickly left Craig's room before I had to witness any more of him and Tweek basically eating each other.

Not everyone feels that way about their friends?

I left Craig's house not knowing where to go now. I didn't know what to do now with myself. I pulled out a cigarette lighting the sweet stress relief, taking a drawn-out drag. I let the taste of the smoke fill my mouth. Every time I smoked a cigarette I savored the moment. I made sure to take in everything about the moment and how exactly it felt between my lips the exact taste in my mouth and down my throat, and how I felt in that moment. It was like a sacred ritual for me.I left the smoke from my exhale out slowly I closed my eyes and tried my best to take every part of this moment.

I needed a drink.

On my way home I smoked another two cigarettes feeling better than I had at the start of my walk. My head felt clearer then and I felt a calm sensation running over my nerves but it wasn't enough. My dad's truck wasn't in the driveway so I knew it was safe to be home. I looked at the empty house and flung myself back on my couch just breathing trying to steady myself.

I needed a drink more then anything I wanted a drink. I needed something to make me feel better, I needed to become numb again. I didn't want to feel confused anymore. I didn't want to feel anything anymore I wanted the thinking to stop. I got off the couch and opened the liquor cabinet taking out a bottle of scotch.

Fuck glasses this is bottle worth feelings.

I let the warm brown liquid slide down my throat savoring the woody texture as it ran past my lips, across my tongue, and down my throat. I kept thinking about Kyle and the more I thought the more I drank. The bottle was empty but my mind was not. I threw the enow empty scotch bottle across the room and watched as it shattered. I thought between what Craig has said and Kyle.

"Stan, if you think that's friendship your super fucking gay" rang out in my mind. I thought about Kyle and how he made me feel. The way I felt was a type of happiness only he could produce, he completed me. I pulled out my phone to call Kenny I needed him right now, he was my best friend besides Kyle and I needed him now when I couldn't have Kyle.

"K-Kenny-yy.." I said once I heard him pick up, "I need y-y-ou," I stammered.

"Dude it's like three o'clock are you drunk?" he sounded disappointed.

"Just come over please it's important."

Before I knew it Kenny was sitting next to me looking concerned.

"There's something wrong with me Ken!" I cried on his shoulder. "I don't know what it is but I feel all weird nothing's like it was and I want it back. I want to stop feeling like this!" I ugly sobbed

"What happened?" he asked me softly.

"I think- I think I love him," I choked out into Kenny's chest where he held me.

"Who Stan?"

"Can you love both boys and girls?" I asked. He frowned at me and giving me a sad look.

"I just fuck to fuck, It doesn't really matter to me but I don't know this whole sexuality thing it's so confusing. It's just expected you like girls and only girls and if you don't then your fucked up! it's all so fucking stupid!" Kenny let out a deep breath of frustration.

"I-I'm sorry Kenny."

"No it's okay dude," he gripped my shoulder tightly, "you can figure this out." I was so confused and my head hurt I was angery and tired. I was exhausted from every feeling I was having all at once it was too much.

" I just need someone right now. I don't want to feel anything anymore." I told Kenny quietly, "I don't want to feel anything anymore." I started crying again.  "Your my best friend Ken and I- I love you so much I don't know what I'd- what'd I do with out," I stammer out.

"I know buddy," he patted my shoulder.

"I think I love him, I miss him he's so pretty I think I love him," i nuzzled into his shoulder thinking it was kyle. I smiled to myself suddenly over come with sleep from my emotional exhaustion. "Mhm Kyle," I murmured into his shoulder.

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