Get on your hands and knees and pray for us

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There was a soft knock on my door shortly followed by obnoxious banging. I remained silent and didn't move even when the door opened. It was like I was paralyzed, forever to be stuck on my back laying staring at the ceiling.

"Jesus this is depressing," I tried to say something in response but instead came out a mix between a groan and a sob. Kyle walked further in from the doorway he was positioned in followed by Kenny running into my room flinging himself onto my bed and on top of me. The air in my lungs escaped and I gasped from under Kenny's body weight.

"Fuck'in.. fucking get off my Kenny!"

"You missed mini golf lane-wad" Kenny said as he sat up on the side of my bed. I propped myself up on my elbows, Kenny's face was bright and he grinned at me. Kyle stood close to the door looking down and picking at his fingertips. Skin picking was a nasty habit Kyle had always had even back in elementary school, when he was uncomfortable or anxious he'd pick at the skin around his fingertips. The habit hadn't gotten much better and he still frequently had bandaids wrapped around his fingertips.

"Oh yeah," I sighed "Sorry guys something happened and I just.." Kenny cut me off.

"You didn't miss much Eric lost, threw a fit, we went over to Clyde's place and Kyle got wasted." I looked over at Kyle, tilting my head trying to imagine what drunk Kyle was like.

"Can you please stop staring at me like that!" He snapped, "And put some fucking clothes on Stan."

"Hey you guys are the ones who barged into my room not my fault I'm not dressed," Kyle pulled his hat down over his eyes. He wasn't dressed in his regular attire, I stared a bit longer frowning, those aren't his clothes where'd he get them from?

"Kyle, can you toss me a shirt or something?" I asked now fully sitting up to face Kenny. Kyle shuffled around in my dresser and hit me with a T-shirt and some basketball shorts.

"Your room is a mess Stan how do you live like this. What kind of psychopath doesn't fold his clothes or separate them in different drawers." I could tell by his voice he was smiling, "And it smells like death in here Jesus,"

"HoW dO yOu LiVe LiKe ThIs" Kenny mocked and we both laughed. It felt good to laugh after Wendy broke up with me I thought I'd never be able to do that again. I felt a pang in my chest like someone hitting me deep in the bottom of my soul with a sledgehammer. Wendy. I started to hear her words over again in my mind. All night I had laid in bed thinking about why now? Why did she break up with me? What happened? At some point, I had fallen asleep but I was still exhausted it was a restless sleep. Kyle still stood awkwardly in the middle of my room, he hasn't looked at me the entire time. His gaze either fell or he was facing away from me like he was trying to avoid looking at me.

I felt a sob try to jump out my throat and when I tried to shove it back down I made a wheezing sort of cough. "Wendy broke up with me," I said. I was sitting up next to Kenny who was laid out on his back across my bed scrolling through his phone, cross-legged with my hands in my lap fidgeting with a ring on my thumb.

"Is that what came up? You bailed on us for another one of your stupid breakups!" Kyle slightly raised his voice and Kenny stopped scrolling. I look into Kyle's face since he turned towards me for the first time.

"No dude it's not a stupid split up this time. She means it. Kyle, Wendy like actually broke up with me" I met kyles eyes and his demeanor changed. The annoyance was gone and had been replaced by a more compassionate look. We stared into each other eyes until Kyle's face started to turn red and he snapped his head back down to avoid looking at me anymore.

"Like for real?" He sounded almost hopeful but I knew it wasn't that.

"She said we should 'see other people'" I said looking down.

"Dude, that's like super weak," Kenny remarked, "you guys were like together forever what happened?"

"I don't know man and I don't think I can fix this one she like sat me down and everything." I realized I was waving my hands around while I was talking and folding my arms together across my chest.

"Oh man," Kenny sighed.

"All I can think about is what she said, it's all a blur but I can't get her words out of my head. All night I couldn't sleep I was just asking myself why"

"Sometimes chicks just lose interest, same dick for too long type of thing." Kenny was back to scrolling

"Gross Kenny!" Kyle squealed and Kenny chuckled to himself. "Come on Stan put your goddamn clothes on let's get out of this hole of despair" I looked over at Kyle and watched him walk out of my room, those are Kenny's clothes he's wearing and for some reason that didn't sit well with me.

The Sun and The Moon (south park stanxkyle)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें