My concentration is a knot but this depression keeps it tight

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I was on my couch while Stan and my brother played Minecraft, mindlessly scrolling Instagram and tapping through everyone's stories. There was something that I saw that caught my attention, someone had reposed a flyer for the Fourth of July fair that sets up every year.

"Stan! The park county fair opens this evening we should go!" I said excitedly.

"Why it's the same crappy fair every year, it sucks," Stan said without looking back at me.

"But Stannnnn," I whined "It's only here three days a year."

"You won't miss much Kyle trust me, it's the same food vendors, the same rides, and the same games by the same old people with the same firework display," I extended my foot out and lightly kicked him in the back.

"But Stannnnnnn," I whined again, "It won't be here long and we only have to one of them." I gave him a pouty look trying my best to persuade him with my cute pleads.

"Ky, there's going to be all these people and it's gonna be all stupid and lame," he spat out excuses.

"Pleaseeeeee pretty pretty please," I begged "Are you scared you'll have fun or something?" I teased.

"Fine if it will make you shut up," he said sarcastically, " it'll probably be less dumb anyway if I'm with you," I smiled at his sweet comment.

"Great I'll go ask my mom," and I happily jumped off the couch to go talk to my mom. I found her in my dad's office on the computer.

"Hey, Mom?"

"Yes, bubby?"

"Can I stay over at Stan's tonight? I want to go to the fair with him tonight and figured we'd be up late so it would be easier if I just slept over at his house.

"I mean... I guess that could be okay," she said hesitantly, " You can sleep over at Stan's house tonight if you take your little brother with you to the fair," she added.

"Thanks, Mom! You're the best!"

"I'm glad to see Stanley around so much again, it was weird that you boys weren't talking or hanging out as much," she said as I was halfway out the door.

"Yeah... It was weird but now everything is better," I smiled.

I was slightly disappointed to have to take Ike but didn't mind since it met I got an extra night of Stan. Since we had confused each other we hadn't really been apart. The most he had left was to go back to his house and grab some clothes so he could stop wearing mine. I was also slightly disappointed in no longer getting to see him in my clothes, my boyfriend in my clothes. I loved the idea of being able to call Stan mine. It was a sickling feeling of pure joy. I rejoined Ike and Stan in the living room where they continued their game.

I stood back a bit and watched as Stan and Ike freaked out fighting Minecraft zombies. I couldn't help but think how adorable he was the way he played with my brother. He had always been like this and a blush crept across my face as I thought that maybe someday he would be a great dad.

"My mom said I could stay over tonight, we just have to take like with us to the fair." I beamed at Stan.

"Yay! The fair!" Ike cheered.

"I'm going to back a bag for the night Stan," I called back heading to the staircase.

"Here I'll come help you," he said following close behind me. As we walked up the stairs I got a slap to the ass.

"Stan!" i hissed in embarssement.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed," he grinned. I hoped Ike didn't see the ass slap.

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