Everything you're feeling is common, even though you never felt so alone

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I took a long drag of my cigarette leaning my head back and exhaled deeply. While Kenny and Craig passed a bong between them I stuck with cigarettes. I hated weed, I never wanted to try it, I hated the idea of it ever since my dad had ripped us all away from home to open a weed farm. When he did that I decided I'd never smoke it, I'd be a strictly cigarettes kid I decided and I was I only ever supplied the weed. I sat in Kenny's bathtub with Craig and Kenny's legs tangled over mine while we all smoked. 

They were both pretty high at this point, laughing hysterically at each other nonsense. I sat between them and said nothing.  Kenny and Craig had been smoking buddies since sixth grade. Sometimes Tweek would be there but it was mostly just us. Craig Tucker was always quiet and usually an asshole, but when he smoked he became a new person. He opened up and dropped his not giving a shit attitude. Sometimes when he was really out of it he'd start rambling to Kenny about space, and Kenny would rattle back some nonsense and they'd both end up laughing.

From his position in the bathtub, Kenney reached over and opened a cabinet. He produced a bottle of vodka and between gasping breaths handed it to me.

"Craig and I can kill our brain cells while you kill your liver, Stan," Kenny said before taking another hit. I nodded in a way to say thank you before unscrewing the cap and taking a long slow slip. I let my throat burn a little and held the taste in my mouth before finally following the whole sip. I took another and another. I thought back to the lake and what happened with Kyle, how suddenly he blew up at me. I tried to drown all my thoughts out with the bottle in my hand but as my speech started to slur I couldn't seem to let my mind wander off of Kyle. I thought back to how it made me almost angry. That he was wearing Kenny's clothes, and how quickly he started yelling at me. He was acting so weird, and he had been since our freshman year.

The more I thought about Kyle now I started to get filled with an unknown feeling. Kyle and I had been best friends since elementary school when we got to high school all of the sudden he started acting really weird, we weren't as close as we used to be. Now it was always Kenny and me. I looked over to Kenny and then Craig as they devoured a family-sized pack of Oreos. I missed Kyle. I missed how we used to be. Maybe that unknown feeling was some sort of nostalgic longing.

My head started to slump to the side. I thought again back to Wendy. Hot rage started to build up in my chest. How could she do that to me? The other times we'd split up at least there had been a concrete reason. Sometimes I said or did something stupid and didn't apologize, most of the time I never realized I'd done anything wrong until I was being broken up with. Other times it was because of what I didn't say or do but she always told me. None of this bullshit like this time

"Fuck.. F- uck you Wendy!" I yelled my words came out from between lips that didn't want to open. Craig and Kenny both looked surprised. "Yeah fuck her!" I yelled again. "And you know what!? Fuck you dad! That asshole fucked up my entire life!" I yelled. I tried to get up but my body wouldn't allow the movements needed to do so.

"Shit, did he drink that whole bottle?"

"Yeah I think so he's wasted man"

"Man, I'm tired of having drunk guys crash at my house! He can't go home like this.. fuck"

I could hear them both talking but I couldn't put together which voice was coming from where.  Two arms slid into my armpits and struggled to hoist me up.  I tried to step out of the bathtub but started falling. A panic of hands grabbed at my body preventing me from fully going down.

"Goddamn it Stan, c'mon Craig help me get him to my room I'll put him where I put Kyle last night" I was stubbing along with the support of Craig and Kenny both until we got down the hallway to Kenny's room. They let go of me on top of a pile of blankets and a pillow on the floor at the foot of Kenny's bed. I heard them both walk away and the door click shut. I pressed my face into the pillow and inhaled.

The pillow had a comforting smell and I wrapped my arms around it holding it close to my chest. I started to cry. I cried about Wendy mostly, how I'd never hold her like this again. How I missed the smell of her hair when I hugged her. I was going to miss how soft her skin was against mine. I cried because it was unfair. Everything in my life was unfair. I hated Wendy right now I hate her for being so cruel, for not giving me a reason. I hated my dad more. I hated his constant fights with my mom, I hated their divorce, and I hated all his stupid ideas. I inhaled trying to refill my lungs preparing for another sob.

With each breath, I calmed down a little bit more due to the comforting scent of the pillow. There was something familiar about it that made it so comforting. I tried to think about what the smell was, but before I could come up with it my eyes were closed and I was drifting away.

It was 2 am when I woke up. My head was still swimming but I was able to remember drinking in Kenny's bathtub and him and Craig dropping me on the floor to sleep it off. I couldn't remember whether or not I had actually started crying or if that was just a dream. The thing I knew was real was how badly I hurt. I missed Wendy, I wanted to call her, I wanted to go see her now. I sat up still gripping the pillow. The hurt I felt remained me of how much hate I felt for Wendy. I was so angry at her.  I wanted her to know how much it hurt I wanted her to know I hated her now.

Kenny didn't live that far from Wendy but the longest part of the walk was keeping in a straight line since I wasn't quite sober. I stood out in her front yard below her bedroom window. I reached down and found a handful of pebbles and began pelting her window with them. After about the fifth pebble a light inside the room flickered on. The window opened and Wendy stuck her head out looking down at me. I hate how beautiful she looked. Her hair had grown out to her shoulders now, it was messy, and looking up I saw that she had on a white tank top that very loosely hung around her shoulders, swooping low so I could almost see her entire breast.

"Stan! What the hell are you doing!"

"I wanted to tell you W-Wendy," I started "that you're a bitch!"

"Oh my god, Stan,"

"I hate you, Wendy!"

"You're drunk Stan! Go home!"

"Why Wendy? You didn't give me a reason! I deserve a reason!" I yelled.

"Oh for fucks sake Stan!" She slammed the window shut and a few moments later she was coming out the front door. There we stood face to face. Her eyes looked caring and compassionate but her face told a different story. She cupped my face in her hands.

"Go home Stan, you're drunk I can smell it on you from here," she said sighing heavily. I lowered my eyes and stopped at her bare shoulder. I trailed down to the part of her that was exposed. I put my hands on her hips.

"Wanna taste it too?"

"What?" She tried to pull away but I firmly held her. I leaned in and sloppily put my lips onto hers. I pulled her to me moving my hand to the small of her back. I received a swift smack to the side of my face and Wendy broke away from me. There were tears in her eyes now. "Stan... I never want you to EVER touch me again!" She screamed.

"Wendy I love you!" I reached out to try and grab her wrists.

"Stanley I left you because you need to get your fucking behavior under control! You can't spend every night getting shit-faced with Kenny! You're ruining your life and the people around you! You have problems Stan and you need help!" She screamed with tears streaming down her face. We both just stood in the dark staring at each other until she turned to go back inside.


The Sun and The Moon (south park stanxkyle)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें