Oh my god I feel alone I'm sure you know just what I mean

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I was in the back yard throwing up, the image of Kyle dancing replaying in my mind. I felt my face flush when I though about how he looked dancing how stupid and goofy he looked. He was laughing and he looked so.... adorable almost beautiful . I there up again, my stomach turned and I pulled out a ciggette from the pack i had in my back pocket. I placed the cigert between my lips and before I lite it I looked around at Cldye's back yard. It was almost deserted expect for a few couples aggressively making out by the sky was imacialent.

I flicked my lighter and took a deep inhale letting the smoke fill my throat and lungs before exhaling deeply.

"Dude! Stan!" Kenny was running up behind me, "I know you saw Kyle in there are you okay?"

"Yeah just drank too much and it was too hot in there," lie.

"Well dude you should like go see him and talk to him,"

"And say what?"

"Kyles kinda fucked up man I think anyone could smell the liquor on his breath from across the room, and he was acting all weird. H like threw himself on me and kept telling me he loved me and shit and I mean.. really go talk to him he even asked for you," my heartbeat picked up a little bit at that last part but was quickly showed when I fully processed what Kenny just told me. It was rare for Kyle to drink and even more rare for him to get really drunk.

"uh huh," I nodded lazily still thinking about how Kyle had asked for me i figured he would never want to see me again after what happened, all those things I said. I realized I was shivering thinking about when I hit him. Kenny was saying some other things but I just handed him my cigarette and headed back inside.

I looked for the boy with his signature green hat but no such luck.

"STAN!" a voice yelled from across the room, I whipped around hoping it was Kyle but subcouincly I knew it wasn't his.

"Hey Toilken have you seen Kyle I really need to talk to him,"

"Yeah he's in the closet come on," he grabbed my worst and we started walking through the crowded bunch of people.

"The closet?"

"Yeah seven minutes in heaven i told him I'd send him in someone," Toilken laughed.

"Wait! Seven minutes in heaven and you were intentionally looking for me to put in the closet with kyle! dude why?!"

"You guys need to make up to make out whatever!" make out?? what the hell is wrong with this dude? The idea of kissing Kyle seemed wrong and weird since we'd known each other since preschool and were super best friends but it also seemed oddly enticing.

"Toilken! What are you talking about!"

"Tweek told me what happened at your little bonfire, and Kenny talked to Butter about how he was worried about you so Butters told him about how miserable Kyle was, Kenny told Craig about it who obviously told Tweek who told me," That was a lot of information he dropped on me but I had managed to follow what he was saying. When Toilken got back to the closet with me i tow everyone looked at me weirdly as I opened the door shutting it behind me. there wasn't much light but here i stood face to face with Kyle. In the dim light, I saw his face light up.

"Stan!" He yelled, "Oh my god your hair!" he ripped the beanie off my head and all of a sudden I was super flustered by this action. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"It looks so different!" I was all of a sudden worried about what he meant by different and y stomach turned. " I like you blonde," He smiled at me and I felt a wave of relief. His fingers reached the back of my head now, "You cut your hair?" he frowned and I felt the panic start to build again. Why is his response making me so nervous I've never cared this much!

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