Nothing ever hurt as bad as the 'no' you sent back

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I hadn't slept yet. All I could think about was how she was gone. I would never be able to hug her and breathe in her sweet cherry blossom perfume. I would never get to feel the warmth of her face against my neck again, or her soft lips on mine. Her fingers would never interlock with mine again. We had broken up in the past but never like this.
Wendy had called me either and asked me to lunch. We met at the diner and talked like normal making jokes laughing and smiling. We sat a bit longer and that's when she said it,

'Stan, we start our second year of high school in two months isn't that crazy? It's crazy Stan! But we really need to think about what's next for us.'

My stomach dropped.

'I think we should see other people, I really found that high school challenges me as a person, you know Stan? I just think we're growing up and changing, our individuality is developing and I need to find my place Stan and right now I think my place isn't with you...'

I couldn't speak. I couldn't think. Wendy's lips were moving and sounds were coming out but I couldn't hear what she was saying. Her hand reached for mine but I pulled away quickly. Too quickly. I got up from our booth in a rush, tripping on my untied shoelace and people turned to stare but I didn't care. My face was red and hot, there was a pressure in my throat. I needed to get out of there. I got up and ran.

It was dark outside. I didn't know how long I'd been laying in bed, minutes, hours, days? all I knew was she was gone. Everywhere I looked there were pieces of her. Photos of us or things she'd gotten me, she was in every part of my room and in every part of my life it felt like.

I didn't know what to do without her. At that moment I might have started crying but I wasn't sure I was numb and couldn't feel anything right then and there, it was like the heartbreak expelled me from my body and I was floating through space.

I sat up and realized I was soaked in sweat, my hair was damp, clinging to my neck and forehead and my shirt felt too tight. I ripped off my clothes and stood in my room in my underwear. Inside I could feel nothing, I was empty. Nothing seemed real.
The wall space above my bed was occupied by a photo wall in the shape of a heart. Wendy had taken a bunch of pictures of us and printed them out, my mom let her in and she arranged all the pictures of us in a heart as a surprise.

The pictures were put up in December as my Christmas gift and I looked at each one carefully in a way I had never truly done. The pictures ranged over long periods of time and you could see the change in us both. We both started to look older in the pictures my hair went from neatly trimmed to shaggy, hers from long to a short bob. Our eyes became more fall and our faces thinner, less round.

I loved Wendy since the first day I saw her in third grade. I remember how I was so nervous I couldn't speak to her, I'd start to panic and throw up. Kyle always made fun of me and told me how stupid I was for falling so hard for Wendy. When we'd been apart before, over stupid stuff and Kyle was always there with me but this time, it was different. Something about what she said to me, told me it was for real this time. She had never sat me down with me like that, 'we should see other people'  was all I could think about. Over and over again I could just hear her words. She was serious about this, a serious I'd never seen in our relationship before.
The realization hit me and I threw up all over the floor.

It was 1 A.M. on a summer night and I was cleaning up my own vomit in my underwear probably crying.

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