Do you know that you keep me safe

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I opened the front door, let Kyle back into the house, and stepped in after him, closing the door behind me. The inside of the house was almost as hot as it was outside, from standing outside on the porch talking to Kyle my shirt began to stick to my back due to the humidity but inside was almost worst. We had no air conditioning and the air was heavy.

"Oh, hey gaywads," Kenny greeted craning his neck to look at us. I rolled my eyes and jumped over the back of the couch to join him. Kyle walked over after me taking a seat. The three of us sighed almost in sync.

"Stan it's so ungodly hot in your house," Kyle groaned.

"I know it's a fucking problem," I groaned, this was the one thing I hated most about summer, the insufferable heat. The humidity inside and outside made everything feel heavy and my clothes and hair stuck close to me damp with sweat. Despite the heat, I still wore jeans all year round because I hated shorts and always kept my beanie on like Kyle always wore his trapper hat and Kenny always wore the same hoodie.

We all sat around sweating watching TV. Kyle's text notification went off and I watched his face light up, I wonder if he smiles like that when I text him or if it's everybody.

"Guys Butters is ungrounded, he asked if I wanted to meet up with him and Cartman at the arcade, you guys down?" he beamed.

"Count me in you can only watch so much shitty tv before it becomes annoying," Kenny said blandly.

"Come on not you too!" I protested throwing my hands up in the air, "It's not that bad." Kenny had never before watched The Walking Dead and I took it upon myself to introduce my best friend to my favorite show despite the protests from both him and Ky. Kenny was a firm believer and stood with Kye that the show was stupid and full of plotholes and said he had no interest in watching it.

I watched Kyle excitedly type back a response to Butters settling a plan with him and telling him that Kenny and I would be coming as well.

We met up with Butter and Eric outside the arcade the summer heat making my shirt stick to my back damp with sweat. I worried about Kyle, I know he hates his hair but I still worried about his winter hat in the July heat but he seemed unbothered. I didn't really have much room to talk still wearing a blue and red beanie myself but it was much lighter.

"Finally you queer-os are here," Cartman scoffed.

"Takes one to know one," Kenny retorted quickly with a sly grin.

"Guys! I told you I'm not gay!" Cartman whined while Butters stifled a laugh while Kenny Kyle and I all let ours out. I separated Kenny still giggling and Cartman who was a cherry red before anything more could be said or done to result in a fight. Butters led us inside and we were all hit by the cool refreshing air of the well-air-conditioned arcade. The sudden change in temperature made Kyle shiver a small bit and I put my arm around him giving him a squeeze. His shoulders tensed up and I remembered our conversation at the carnival and let go. Cartman, Kenny, and Butters had all run off and Kyle looked at me shoulders still tense and interlocked his fingers with mine, his face glowing a rosy red and I felt the warmth spread to my face as well. I squeezed his hand and was relieved to receive two squeezes back before Kyle took his hand away as we caught up with the guys. Inside my chest felt warm and there were butterflies as they put money into a change machine.

"Kyle wanna play Dance Dance Revolution?" Kenny grinned.

"Oh come one dude that games so lame! Come one play Guitar Hero with me," I said giving a fake pout.

"Shut up Marsh you can actually play the guitar," Kenny laughed as he took Kyle by the hand over to the game he wanted to play. Kyle and I were legends at Guitar Hero, playing with Kyle was like breathing. Everything we did together was as easy as breathing. I shook my head laughing a little as Kenny and Kyle got ready to play.

"Stan I bet I can get a higher score on the boxing machine than you," Cartman said with a smirk.

"Yeah right you fat piece of shit," I scoffed.

"You're just scared!" Cartman teased and began to cluck like a chick.

"I'm not scared I just want to watch Kenny and Kyle make ass's out of themselves playing Dance Dance Revolution," I chuckled.

"Whatever that's so gay," Cartman rolled his eyes, "Butters want to play a racing game?" he called over to Butters who was happily playing PacMan.

"Sure Eric!" he said back with a wide smile walking over to the racing games with Cartman. I watched as Kyle clumsily stepped between arrows and Kenny was red in the face laughing.

"You know Cartman might be right! Jews have no rhythm," he cackled.

"Don't ever say Cartman is right about anything ever," Kyle said irritated and I couldn't help but join in on Kenny's laughter. The game finished showing a score that crowned Kenny the winner who whipped small beads of sweat from his forehead while Kyle wheezed. I giggled at how tired Kyle was.

"Damn Ky, I thought you were in better shape than this," Kenny said playfully punching Kyle's arm.

"Yeah Mr. varsity basketball," I joined in, "You got your ass handed to you by a scrawny stoner."

"You know what!" Kyle huffed. "I'll beat your ass at Street Fighter then!" he challenged with a smile.

"You're so on!" I said slapping his hand excepting his challenge.

"You lamos do that I'm hitting up pinball," Kenny said slapping our backs and walking away. Kyle loaded in the quarters to the game and gave me a devious grin that I couldn't help but find attractive. We each chose our fighters and began frantically mashing buttons as I struggled to keep a higher score than Kyle. I threw my hands up and pumped my fists when the game ended breaking into a victory dance.

"Eat it, babe!" I danced around Kyle hooting. I stopped when I noticed how red in the face Kyle was, "What's wrong?"

"You called me babe," he said in a hushed voice with a shadow of a smile creeping onto his lips. My eyes grew wider when I realized what I said. "No no! Stan doing worry!" Kyle said frantically waving his hands at me picking up on my sudden horror, " I uh- I kind of like the pet name," he continued as he rocked back on his heels blushing intently. I smiled at him with admiration. I reached my hand out and placed it delicately on his cheek. Kyle placed his hand over mine and leaned his face into my hand. At that moment nothing mattered, I didn't care where we were or what was happening around us it was all a blur the only thing is focused on was Kyle's beautiful face. I watched as Kyle's face turned from the loving look he was giving me to a slight panic as his eyes drifted away from mine and fixed on something behind me.

I turned around and saw Craig playing the claw machine hovering over Tweek who smiled and stared at us giving a small wave. I found the height difference between the two kinds of comical and most of the difference between them. Craig and Tweek were so vastly different yet fit together perfectly, a cold tall dark-haired boy with his significantly shorter bright blonde spazzing boyfriend. Tweek taught on Craig's t-shirt sleeve breaking his intent and focusing on his attempt at winning one of the stuffed animals and pointed in our direction with a wide grin. I looked back to Kyles whose face was now engraved with panic and red as a nervous sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Oh shit," Kyle said under his breath, "I think he saw that," his voice more panicked now knowing that someone we knew might have seen our demonstration of the couple's affection. Tweek turned to Craig and tugged on his sleeve drawing his attention to Kyle and I.

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