I will lean on the elbows until all my fingers go numb

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Kyle's mom dropped Ike Kyle and me off at the entryway to the fairground and we all thanked her for driving us and got out of the car.

"I'll be back at 9 o'clock boys to get Ike," he said before leaving giving us 3 hours.

Ike was bouncing on his toes bubbling with excitement as we made our way into the fair. The Fourth of July fair was the exact same thing every year since probably before my birth. There were the same food vendors run by the same old people and the same fair rides that ran about as well as they looked not to mention the same games each year occasionally updating the prizes they offered.

Ike and Kyle both had huge smiles on their faces excitedly looking back and forth pointing to various things.

"I'm going to go us and get us some ride tickets! Kyle said running off like a little kid. Ike ran after him and I followed behind less enthusiastic. When I caught up to them both I watched as Kyle gave the woman in the ticket stand several twenty-dollar bills in exchange for three sheets of tickets.

"I got us each 20 tickets," he smiled handing Ike and I our sheets.

"I can't believe you actually want to ride these things, I feel like if I look at them wrong it's going to fall apart."

"Stan you suck at having fun," he giggled back, "Come on what should we ride first?" he grabbed both Ike and I by the hands running off to the assortment of rides.

"I want to go on that one first!" Ike exclaimed pointing to a marry mixer.

"Okay yeah let's go get in line!" Kyle said basically skipping over to the line, he looked back smiling, "Come on grumpy pants!" he saved me. I shook my head and laughed but still made my way through the crowd of people to go Stan next to Kyle and Ike. We stood talking and moved slowly up the line when we finally reached the gate Kyle tore off nine tickets for all three of us. The ride operator led us to an empty cart and locked us all in.

"Kyle when we die I will blame you," I said wrapping his arm around him. Ike was seated in between us but my arms were long enough to read around to his shoulder. Kyle looked at me and looked slightly uncomfortable but still smiled at my comment.

"You're not going to die, Stan, all these rides have to pass a safety inspection and obviously this one did so it's totally safe," he said giving me a look of both sarcasm and seriousness. The ride jerked forward and I quickly gripped the bar across our laps. The ride spun us around to a point where I lost all sorts of direction and was heavily nauseated. I watched Kyle's face light up as he and Ike screamed with childish joy. After the ride stopped I sat in the cart trying to regain my sense of direction. The ride operator unlocked the lap bar letting us all out and I stumbled still not over how dizzy I had become.

"I hate you both," I said as they laughed at my inability to walk in a straight long.

"Stop being so dramatic Stan!" Ike laughed, "Kyle let's get lemonade! And then Stan can sit down and stop being such a sissy," he pointed to a lemonade stand not too far off and was thankful there was an empty bench right next to it.

"I am not being dramatic I'm being realistic," I sighed as I was drug.

"Kyle I might need you to carry me," I joke and grabbed onto his shoulder dramatically. If Ike was going to call me dramatic I figured I'd give him a reason.

"Stan stop it," he laughed pushing me off, he still had that same uncomfortable look when I grabbed onto his arm that he had when we were on the ride. I looked at him oddly. I sat down on the bench next to Kyle and Ike brought us three large cups of lemonade. I took a long drawn-out sip trying to calm my stomach.

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