We were destined to grow up but I was scared without direction

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We all sat in the dark living beneath our pillow fort basking in the glow of the tv playing whatever movie Kenny had picked. There was something nostalgic about the moment and again I felt like I was back to being a ten year old boy where life was simpler. We hadn't had a time like this since middle school it was like we had all chnaged and would never change back but right now we had chnaged back. I ladies on the edge of our pillow fort next to Kyle who had wedged himself between me and Kenny. Cartman was on the other far and while Ike sat between Kyle and I on our backs intently watching the movie captivated by the story.

A monster made a sudden jump on the screen and we all laughed as Ike yelped jumping back. I looked at my childhood friend group with the same intensity Ike watched the tv with. Cartman had grown up he was less fat but still rather large, his skin was covered with acne scars and he wore glasses now. His face had become less round and slightly more grown up. Kenny's face still held baby fat in his checks and dimples when he smiled. A smile that had a gap from when one of his adult teeth had been knocked out. He sported a silver ring that went through his lip and a couple of studs in his ears. His hair was shaggy and chopping cut much like mine and his hair looked close to a mullet. He had a long thin white scar that ran across his crochet nose to the otter coner of his eye.

I had watched Ike grow up, he was nine now and rather tall for his age. He had dark eyes and thick black hair. His face was still round with plenty of check pudge. He had yet to lose the innocent sparkle in his eyes yet and the light in his face was still bright. Although he and Kyle weren't blood relatives you could see the similarities in the way they smiled and their laughs. Kyle was breath taking. I hadn't ever truly noticed the ways we had both changed until recently as I started looked much closer at his features. His eyes were a shade of green I couldn't ever figure out what color to call them to truly depict their beauty. His pale skin made them truly pop from his face perfectly framed by his auburn eyebrows. His face was thin and his cheek bones stuck out from his face that no longer held any trace of the childish chub. His jaw was sharp and strong I admired his beauty.

As the movie ended Cartman snatched the remote quickly selecting the next movie not caring weather we all agreeded or not. Ike shifted now more between Kyle and Kenny while the four of us ladies on our stoamchs and Ike laid on his side across the backs of a Kenny and Kyle. Ike was tired but would admit it we could all tell. he didn't want to go to bed because he like the movie too much to miss is and was having too much fun at his 'big boy sleep over' we all smiled glad to indulge him. It was around midnight though when small snores started coming from Ike.

"Kyle Ike's asleep what do I do?" Kenny wishper shouted to not wake Ike up but still get across his alarm.

"Dude Ike could sleep though an earth quake," I said at a normal volume. Ike didn't stir.

"Yeah I'll take care of him," Kyle said shimming out from under Ike's legs. His limp body unresponsive to the sudden change of support his breathing still steady. Kyle scooped up his little brother slightly struggling to maneuver while putting him on the floor next to Kenny.

"See kid sleeps through anything," Kyle agreed.

"Now that the kids out you guys wanna watch a real scary movie?" Cartman asked?

"What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Hopefully something graphic," Kenny still whispered.

"Yeah bring out the slasher movies and the gore," I happily added.

"Got it," and Cartman yet again picked another novice hitting play. We all watched carefully monterinf Ike Incase he woke up as some slasher clown committed horrifcly sick twisted acts of violence. I watched uncomfortably and noticed that Cartman was also snoring now.

"Dude how the fuck did he fall asleep during that!" I explained.

"I think I'm gonna be sick I doubt I'm sleeping," Kyle joked

"Could've been worse," Kenny added causally, causing both Kyle and I to give him horrified looks.

"How!" We both explained together. Kenny laughed hard.

"You guys don't wanna know then, come one dudes we should probably clean all this shit up Kyles gonna go into a diabetic comoma just looking at it," Kenny joked. In third grade I found out Kyle was a type one diabetic when he had almost died from kidney failure. I carefully over the years observed Kyles habits watching as he measured his sugar levels and took his medications terrified to lose him.

Kyle gave Kenny a snack as we closed open chip bags and collected the candy wrappers and empty soda cans to throw them out while Cartman and Ike slept . In our absence Ike had sparawled out into the middle of our fort. For someone so small he took up a large amount of room. Cartman too had spread out but not to the degree of Ike.

"I'm gonna take him up stairs guys," Kyle said he gently nudging Ike waking him up. He wishpered to his brother that he needed to sleep up stairs who tired protestered but ended up agreeing anyway. I loved the way Kyle acted with his brother. They were so close to each other, they had a strong bond that I didn't think could ever be broken and it just added to Kyles beauty his love for his family and how well he took care of his baby brother.

"Stan are you good? You look like your about to cry," Kenny said breaking our silence.

"No I think there's something really fucked up inside me,"

"What's fucked up stan?" Kyle asked I was unaware of his return.

"Oh I don't want to dump anymore of my problems on you guys let's just go to bed we can talk about it later," both Kyle and Kenny threw me a side ward glaze of concern.

"We can talk about this later," Kenny whispered in my ear. He seemed to be able to tell I didn't want Kyle to hear what I had to say.

"Yeah I guess it is pretty late," Kyle said laying down he frowned at me, "but it's not too late to talk Stan," he added on.

"It's really okay, good night Ky," he turned away from me and I turned to face Kenny, "night Ken," he gave me a sleepy groan in return.

"I love you Stan and I'll always be here," kyles vioice hung in the air and was the last thing I hear before falling aslee.

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