I miss the hours in the morning And you in the morning hours

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I remembered everything from last night, what I did, what I said, how I acted. I winched thinking about it. After I left Wendys I didn't go home, I didn't know where to go. I walked around town in the dark smoking cigarettes and trying to sober up. I wasn't tired. The sun had come up but I had no concept of time. I left my phone back at my house surely dead. I doubted I had any dire messages from anyone. Kenny and Craig were definitely still asleep, I wasn't talking to Kyle after what he pulled yesterday at the lake and even if by some medical my parents noticed I was gone They wouldn't waste the worry on me.

I realized it was inabilite that I would have to go home at some point. I kicked a rock along the side walk now heading in the direction that was home. I ehinced at calling the farm that, it was where I lived, not home. I really did hate my dad, he was so fucking stupid and always had been. It made me so angery to think how he had messed up so much of my life. My mom hated him too my sister and I could see it. The constant fighting and screaming had only gotten worse when we moved out to the farm, but suddenly over the winter it stopped and that's when I found the devpirce papers one night. My parents has been sleeping in different rooms since my sister moved out so I didn't think anything of it, but now it was like living in a house full of strangers and I was a ghoust to them.

When I got home I was fully sobbered up I checked my breath and smelled my clothes, I smelled like weed and cigerate smoke so If anyone was home they wouldn't bat and eye at it. My dad knew I smoked ciggerate and it made him livid so I did it even more. When I came home smelling like weed he was almost relived. Moms car was gone but his truck was still there. When I opened the door my dad was sitting on the couch waiting for me almost.

"She's gone, Stan,"

"Yeah, I know. Her cars gone-"

"No. Stan, she's gone.." he made sure to put empathies on gone.

"Wait what?" my voice cracked a little

"She packed up her stuff and said she needed to get out of South Park for a while."

"Well, when's she coming back?!"

"She didn't say, just that she loved you." his voice was so small now.

"FUCK" I screamed and ran upstairs heavily thudding with each footstep. My bedroom door slammed behind me and things fell off my walls but I didn't care. I ransacked my bed and nightstand for my phone, somehow not dead very close tho. I punched in my moms number

Two rings then her voice.

"Hi Stanley!"

"Why did you leave me here Mom!" I yelled into the phone

"Oh honey,"

"I hate it here! Why didn't you tell me? why didn't you take me with you!"

"Stanley I need some personal time, I'm on my way to visit your sister for a little bit and figure something out," I hated how calm she was, how casual she was about abounding her son. My sister had gone to college somewhere in California.

"Mom.." I was crying now and the words I let out sounded more like whimpers, "mom, when are you coming back?" my voice was quiet and I wasn't angry. I was sad like a little boy missing his mom. I felt 8 years old again. she was quiet for a long time before answering.

"I don't know yet-" I hung up before she could finish. My phone started to ring again and again and her photo came up on my dying screen but I just let it ring. In the same week my girlfriend dumped me and my mom abounded me. I wasn't angry now I was a different kind of heartbroken and I let out long hard sobs that came form the bottom of my chest. it felt like I was slipping into some kind of age regression as I rocked on the floor crying. I missed my mom, for the first time in years, I wanted to tell her how I felt, how fucking sad I was about Wendy, about all my sleepless nights. She knew I was angry and I wouldn't talk to her but now that she was gone I wanted to tell her everything I'd been keeping from her.

Once my sobbing had slowed down enough to breathe properly again I looked around my room. I walked over to the heart-shaped picture wall and started tearing them all down screaming and crumbling them up before they dropped onto the floor. I went into my closet and picked out all the things Wendy had bought me to match her, I shoved them all into my trash can. I collected anything she had gotten me, stuffed animals, books, and video games. I shoved them all into the trash can. I collected the few things of hers she had left behind here and tied off the trash bag. I wasn't sad anymore now I was angry again. I returned back from a scared and sad 8-year-old to a raging 15-year-old.

My dad slowly opened the door, "Hey buddy, having some uh... big feelings I can hear,"

"I hate you, Dad."

"Okay, I can tell you're upset so, uh, I'll talk to you later.

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