And it's easy when you're older to figure out the things that do and do not work

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Stan was boiling with rage I could tell, the way he walked was full of rage the way his face was resting, he had a look like he was about to hit someone. He dealt with it horribly but I wasn't dealing with it much better. My parents were going to find out, this was it, I wasn't fucking ready for this.

"Stan?" I forced out his name from between my lips, it was strained and laced with a panic I couldn't suppress despite my efforts. My voice sounded odd and not like mine and Stan jumped back at the sudden break from the scilnence.

"Ky?" he respsoned softly his voice was smooth and sent a wave of relife and comfort over me. I loved how he called me 'Ky' it was a name only he called me, his special nickname for me and it always made me feel a sense of feeling better the way he said it so smoothly and comforting.

"I love you, Stan." He turned around, we stopped walking and he pulled me tightly into an embrace.

"Oh god, this is bad isn't it?" Stan said into my shoulder.

"I-" I couldn't think, I couldn't speak, there was nothing but panic starting to build. I wasn't ready for this, this wasn't how I wanted it to happen, what if they were mad at me? I couldn't handle it, my chest started to burn with the heat creeping up my throat and behind my eyes.

"It's going to be okay Stan," I finally said. We stood there hugging each other wallowing in panic and regret on the sidewalk for what felt like ever before we continued our venture to Cartman's house. All I could think about was how they would react and when my mom knew it was over, everyone in town would know. Stan didn't mean to do it this way but when I pictured coming out as gay to anyone, let alone in a gay relationship, I imagined it would be how I wanted, not against my will forcing me out into the open under a spotlight when I wasn't ready.

We were now standing on the front porch of Cartman's house Stan pounding his fist into the door before it swung open.

"Hiya guys!" Butters cheered and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, xbox controller still in his hand, to which I returned. He squeezed me tight, differently than when Stan held me tight. When Butters squeezed me it was like he was trying to break me but with all his love and admiration for me.

"Hey Butters," I smiled and he led us inside. Cartman was on the floor in front of the TV playing some video game, controller in hand while Kenny and Red were sprawled out on the couch. Kenny looked pissed about something but no one seemed to notice.

"Sup Jew," Cartman grunted not taking his attention from the game.

"Yeah hey dude," I waved at Kenny, "uh nice to see you Red?" she waved giving a small smile.

"Hey other red," she responded.

"Yep," Kenny scoffed, "Real nice indeed," he mumbled and Red turned to him staring daggers.

"Nowwa Ken I told you to be nice," Butters scolded with a frown.

"So what's up with you," Kenny asked sitting up now.

"I just had a shitty fight with my dad and needed to get out of there with Ky," Stan answered.

"You guys fight all the time how's this any different?" Cartman asked now more interested in the conversation.

"He just said some shitty stuff, and shitty stuff specifically about Kyle."

"Okay yeah whatever ever gaywads," Cartman mumbled turning his attention back to the game. Stan and everyone started making small talk but it sounded like everyone was underwater. All the things flying threw my head about how I was going to explain everything to my parents and what they would say, I had forgotten slightly about the guys and what they would say. I wanted them to hear it from me and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

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